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About Blades421

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  1. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    and no sir, you do not ''Unsling'' or atleast I have never heard that term. when someone whats the gun off the shoulder they ''Equip it'' to ''Unstrap'' it would be to remove the strap from the gun itself.
  2. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    it is dumb, but I had to break it down to its most basic element for yall to understand....you made a douche comment so I made a douchier one, you couldn't tell I guess and your friends couldn't either, but what ever today is a new day.
  3. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    hahaha how self righteous you are. I understand it completely and if you cant....then go re read the post :) but I guess you cant tell the tone from just reading... and if I must break it down for you, I say strap because it secures it to your back/shoulder as if you would STRAP something to a bed of a truck and secure it, you do not SLING things to the truck and secure them...
  4. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    how am I trolling? you folks are the ones so uptight abuot having two names for the same thing....and I make a joke then you guys get upset. @ Crooked, I toled you to go ''Jamie fox yourself'', in those exact words because if I was seriously mad I obviously would chose different ones. again if you cant understand every ones sense of humor and some sarcasm then the internet is not the place for you.
  5. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    hahaha how many trolls can 1 post feed? can you not read sarcasm when you guys see it?
  6. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    cool guns, nice STRAPS bro.
  7. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    this is a ''sling'' its called a ''single point bungee sling''
  8. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    actually smartass, Slings go on the front of you and ''hang'' the weapon from your chest. Straps secure it to your back either over one shoulder or cross ways. ANNNNDDDDDD.......its not a ''clip'' its a magazine, so go jamie foxx yourself.
  9. Blades421

    Gear safe house/storage?

    Tents already exist in the Mod, and i assume they will be here eventually. You described it already yourself...if someone finds your tent then they will most likely steal the gear inside, or destroy the tent so you can no longer have anything inside it. as for the ''traps'' i do not believe they exist but they might put them in if enough of the community wants them.
  10. Blades421

    Can we haz this?

    is that the ''M4 ATE 1'' ???
  11. Blades421

    Can we haz this?

    Hahahah :)
  12. Blades421

    Can we haz this?

  13. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    :) is there anyway i can move the topic or a mod has to do it?
  14. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    Hahaha, yes you would be correct :P
  15. Blades421

    Gun Straps

    i agree, that would be pretty cool