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  1. manipulated

    Think Everyone Kills on Sight? Not Me! (video)

    Ive just bought this game about 3 days ago...and in that time only played about 10 hours. I was just about to come to forums to ask if everyone Shoots and kills on sight and what the point of game really is! Everyone ive met barring 2 ppl (which lasted 30 secs as we all got sniped) has Shot me on sight without saying a single word or even trying to hold me up. Ive died like 8 times, 7 of those times freshspawn with nothing! so it was kind of pointless killing me The 8th time i just got shot straight away...wouldnt of minded if the guy robbed me! You sir have just made me realise why I bought this game, for the fun helping people etc Glad to know there is at least someone who wouldnt shoot me when i say "hey" "Im friendly" ha Thanks!