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Everything posted by katasen

  1. katasen

    Insane Elektro Longhorn Sniping

    you suck sir
  2. katasen

    Holding up a two man armed squad - Solo - Hardcore

    That was really good! I liked watching it ;)
  3. katasen

    Kidnappers Get Punished!

    This is the worst DayZ Video EVER!!!
  4. katasen

    [Hunt] Hunter Clan Video 2

    5% more contructive than your video...
  5. katasen

    [Hunt] Hunter Clan Video 2

    this is cum
  6. katasen

    Full fledged sociopaths... plus human centipede

    you suck
  7. katasen

    The Chernarus Resort Getaway!

    you need to pull the mic out of your mouth dude
  8. katasen

    DayZ/Arma Guide - How not to be seen

  9. Feines Video! Mehr davon bitte.
  10. katasen

    Worst. Jumpscare. Ever.

    its chewbacca
  11. A. hasir B. broken leg C. Krasnostav school roof first floor D. white male green camo clothes
  12. katasen

    inferior Survivors ?

    True story! But best of all is the accent of Rönny :P
  13. katasen

    Don't even show the smallest part of your head :)

    Rönny !! 11!!!
  14. katasen

    Back in fight ! - video (german)

    Ronny hat wieder einen rausgehaun
  15. katasen

    Elektro Action 2.0 ! - Video (german)

    Ronny aus Görlitz oder was? :P
  16. Hey Guys, since the new patch the step over command, usually assigned to "v" is broken whenever you try it going upwards. I experianced it trying to go over the last steps where the stairs are collapsed in the tall skyscraper buildings. Same happens on the top of the school building. One can no longer command the char to step over the debris on the stairs. A work around exists though. Face away from the debris, downstairs, press v and turn aroung quickly. Then the char steps over the broken part of the stairs. Anybody experiencing the same?
  17. Well if this was the intention it clearly broke other functions. Can you still jump fences?
  18. Hmm, i don´t think so. There is still loot spawning on the roof tops and they are fully modelled and acceessible (apart from the bug i mentioned).
  19. katasen

    After New Patch Session Lost.

    same here
  20. katasen

    What is your favorite thing to do in DayZ?

    counter sniping in chappa
  21. katasen

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    46 without dying once so far :P dont go sniping on the houses above balota ^^
  22. katasen

    Mickey Mouse In Day Z?!

    this was the wort dayz sa video ever
  23. katasen

    less militarised more improvised

    i dont think so mate ;)