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About Captain6FD

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello ladies and gents, my name is Hayden. I'm currently looking for a group to join, preferably a clan that is just starting up with a server, dedicated members, and possibly looking for some staff help. I have a lot of experience with DayZ, I've been playing for a year and a half and just decided to get back into the game itself. I'm 16 years of age, live in Ontario, Canada. You can contact me at haydenjdwalker@gmail.com or just reply to this thread. Thank you, and see you on the plains of chernarus!
  2. Captain6FD

    LF 2 Players for Epoch Panthera

    Hey man, I'm down. I also live in Canada. Hmu on steam. My name is Captain Aenima
  3. Hello everyone, I'm here to say that I am a base builder for DayZ Mod-Original.(No Epoch) I am in the process of posting here to look for a job making bases for servers which players would pay for with donations. You may contact me on steam and we can discuss this matter further. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Captainaenima/
  4. Captain6FD

    DayZ(Mod) Stream Group Recruitment!

    Alright man, you'll take Nicks spot. Add me on steam.
  5. Hey guys, My names Hayden and I'm a brand new streamer looking to start a group to stream and run with daily.. As of now I have 1 confirmed sniper and one thats questionable, I'm an assault, need 2 medics, and 2 more assault people. I only want mature people. This group will run along any mod we can(Epoch,Overwatch, etc.).. You can check out my stream here http://twitch.tv/captain6fd And then you can add my steam at: Captain6FD Thanks, buh bye. Team list as of now: Snipers:Raven,?Nick? Medics:??,?? Assault:Captain,Robo,??