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FuzzyLogic (DayZ)

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Posts posted by FuzzyLogic (DayZ)

  1. I'd like to see most weapons in DayZ receiving a serious nerf. If people don't have to fear losing their life in the blink of an eye they might decide to do something else rather than shooting everyone instantly on sight.

    When the mod came out the Enfield and CZ were the most precious items. Military Gear should actually be rare or hard to obtain.

    Ok for the mod to retain its replayability I can definitely see why gear has become important for the time being.

    However playing when the CZ, Enfield and Winchester were the main weapons the game had more of a survival feel, I think the standalone should get back to that. Have military gear, but make it much harder to obtain. I think if they add weapon degradation that will spice it up a bit too.

    Also think relevant military gear should be the only ones available, something like AK's over M16's. I suggest Rocket decide which weapons were most likely to be found in Chenarus rather than ARMA 2's extensive load out.

  2. Generators, Electricity, Lighting and Fences

    Maybe a large organised group could get the grid going.

    But also emergency lighting deployed before the outbreak took over can be run off generators.

    Electric military or farm fences anyone? you can hear that click if you go near them, but could be a problem if your being chased. You get knocked out for a short time but no blood loss.

  3. If medical items could wash up, then it could ease the tension over finding Morphine at the Hospitals. Soggy bandage anyone :P

    Predominantly I think it would give a little hope to the new spawns and with people talking about randomised gear, we'll this is an option but of course you've got to find it, it shouldn't be at the feet of each spawn.

    The ratio should lean heavily towards it just being trash but I think the loot table should contain more variety generic houses do, except for guns and ammo, they probably shouldn't wash up.

  4. Thanks for the replies, I'm thinking loot spawning pretty much on the shore line.

    Gives new spawners a chance to find some beans etc.. before having to deal with zombies inside buildings. I would keep this chance low of anything decent, but even a few empty cans could be useful to move zeds out of the way.

    Also the possibility of getting a car part might tempt well ventured players to check the coast. At the moment the shore line is open prey and nothing to tempt seasoned players back to the waters edge unless for a player kill. It might address the balance of the shore line if well stocked player friendly survivors come for a quick snoop.

    Nothing revolutionary but a reasonable idea to consider.

  5. Thought it might be cool to help new spawners and tempt people back to the coast for a nose around if there was loot spawns along the coast as if loot had been washed up.

    Keep the ratio high for these just to be empty cans and stuff, but maybe the odd tin of tuna or the odd car part (yeah I've seen loads of stuff like that on beaches) might be cool.

    Just an idea, I searched for other threads "loot washed" and "loot shore" (minus the speach marks) and nothing came up.

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