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Everything posted by randyc24

  1. randyc24

    Well this is cute..........

    Well the way i look at it, you should have a option for how ever you wish to play. Servers should have a option to have it 24/7 day or night, They pay for the game and then pay for the servers on top of that. They should be able to do what they wish with their server, IE day, night, RP, private, public... If you pay 120$ a month for a server and cant control the server how you wish and they take away the 24/7 day option( if that is true )will hurt this game honestly. There are a lot of people that rather play in the daytime due to more than just one reason. It will certainly hurt sales on both sides and I'm sure will have the affect on a lot of players in the game and server owners breaching contract due to the fact to be unable to personalize their server. Also players will quit or ask for their money back from steam, Just my opinion, Also had a question of my own.... is there a option to see what server you have a profile on???? I know your gear doesn't go from one server to another but honestly i didn't see a marker for profiles on each server? this will be rather difficult to find your profile
  2. randyc24

    Total reset or bug?

    So earlier this morning i was playing for about 3 hours before maintenance. So server went down no big deal cause i knew maintenance was coming up today. So i logged out of the game for a little bit, Loaded the game back up and still had all my gear on the main screen. I hit play and loaded into the server and all my gear is completely GONE, I didn't know if this was just a bug due to maintenance of server? Or will my gear be restored? Is there a place where i can open a ticket if the gear isn't there after maintenance? Is this a desync issue? Any info would be helpful, thanks!
  3. randyc24

    Total reset or bug?

    Yea maintenance isn't a issue, Just wondering if my gear will be restored. When i load the game up my charter is in default gear. Like wtf?