I witnessed two different kinds of hacking today. They were both on public servers. I think one was called FRIENDLY SERVER 24/7 DAY something or other and the other was like 2-1 so and so. They both had over 25 people on them at the time... Anyway, one of the hackers was just teleporting around through walls. I was inside a house sniping at electro and my buddy said there was a guy blinking towards my house. Seconds later, there was a guy stuck in the floor of my house. I combat logged before he could shoot me. Another hacker was an invisible guy killing my friends with an axe. Well from what they were telling me, it sounded like an axe hit them and they were dead. No shots or blood, just dead. These were both 3rd person servers. So no one was sneaking up on us. Are these known hacks? Like do people know about this? I know the see through wall hack got fixed, but has anyone else encountered these?