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Posts posted by SomeBull

  1. inb4 people still KOS for the lulz.

    People are ***holes, plain and simple.


    It is so easy to be ***hole in online. It is not as easy in real life, at least if you don't want to get your ass kicked. That is the reason that I think this game is more hostile that it should be. Currently it feels like I should shoot any one with a gun on sight and maybe for less...(Have not shot anyone... yet!).

  2. You can get walkie talkies now in the game, however they don't work yet but they're coming! :)


    Ok, thanks! I didn't find any topi relating to this topic before, but thanks for the information now I know :D Waiting to see if some day I really find some thing that works...

  3. I was wondering all the equipment that there is in the game. One thing that surviving game needs is walkie-talkies.

    I know there is TS and so on but that is for pre-formed groups. It could be cool if you could find walkie-talkie or other communication equipment from the map and the trying to contact other survivors through the channels.

    In best case scenario you can try to call rescuers to help you escaping from the building where you are being pinned by horde of zombies. In worst case scenario you give your position to the rotten eggs out there and get killed/robbed. I don't think this would even be hard to implement because there is also voice communication in the game. So just if player has active communication device activated other players with the active communication device can hear him. There can also be different channels, maximum distance to signal to travel, addons like headset, etc. Comment what you like about the idea...

  4. Hello everybody. This is my suggestion.

    Can we find hordes of zombies migrating over all map in future? It will be dangerous and make strong action. They can moves slowly from town to town over roads, forest, swamp and so on... Sometimes people can be trapped by hordes of zombies on the roof of building for some time... So, it will be great adventure.


    I would also like this. I would bring some challenge to the veteran player groups, other than shooting players.
