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About Skoshin

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    On the Coast
  1. Skoshin

    Population Control, Plz Help.

    thanks for the help understanding, im not computer illiterate but im still learning about game development and stuff.
  2. The number of people that bought and play this game is continuously rising which is usually a good thing, with a finished game. 1. Being in alpha right now you would think the increased population would put more stress on the servers running them making the updates and bug fixes come slower right? <- I'm no computer expert tell me if I'm wrong please. 2. Most games entering beta testing usually limit the amount of people that have access down to, sometimes, a weekday where you can only play, and for only a couple hours or so then they bring in more people from what I assume is a lucky draw if your in. Do you think they will be imposing population limits having only a specific time a person may play once this game gets farther?
  3. Skoshin

    Moisin Ammo Wont Load?

    with the weapon out if you have the scope on just right click on the mouse, don't hold it. and is the ammo in a box? right click the box and hit empty., then you can load =D hope this helps. o, and there is no way to tell how much ammo is in the gun yet, just count, it holds 5
  4. Skoshin

    Fireaxe Unfair?

    I feel the axe being a 1 shot kill is ok with a little bit of modification to the current system. It sucks that people running up on you with there axe at the ready can hit you while you to are running and you cant even hear them until they are a few steps away. If somebody is chasing you in real life with an axe chances are you will at least hear them from a farther distance, and if your running away you should be able to outrun them keeping in mind that everyone is the same general speed. Its as if they have dead silence from call of duty on all the time.
  5. There will be power plants that will be held by clans, barricaded bases if you will. So whomever controls the power plants controls the train. I feel there will be an economy built around the train if and when its implemented just as there is and was in real life.
  6. I bought the game while I had my brother and friend over just because it sounded badass. Ive played fallout 3, skyrim, and new vegas and gotta say I love minecraft. What could be better then a mix of all 4, a survival sandbox where there are no rules, be a dick, be a hero that's killed by a dick, or just hide in the woods. I will say that first time I got into a game I was killed in about 10 min by a guy with a gun. it was really frustrating but I didn't anger log, at that point I was curious why he would kill me, I don't think it was for my flashlight, which took me an hour to figure out... lol So I kept at it because it was intriguing, yes frustrating to new players, but like others have said, we don't want those new players if they cant figure things out for themselves and have fun with it. Way to many games have been ruined because the creators try to appeal to a crowd that's not the base, like the republican party is doing now. pissing off there base by changing the core reason of being one and appealing to the wrong F***ing people. Love the game, fix the bugs and it will thrive. =D Sorry for the political reference...
  7. I bought Dayz a few days ago and quickly picked it up, last char I played had a 357 with speedloader 50 shots, and a mosin with knife attached and scope and 50 shots or so, lots of a food and a full canteen, saline and the works. then I was robbed by an unseen Dbag, I need a group of ppl to roll with, I can bring experience to the table but am done ridin solo.. none of my rl friends own/play this yet. PM me!