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3 Neutral

About dayzfox

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. get this server blacklisted
  2. make sure justice is done by wiping there characters and/or blacklisting their server
  3. the players dont click log-out. they close the game process or unplug there internet cables etc in combat. this is harder to fix without adding more bugs (i.e. when rocket added a 5 second persistance when logging out/ losig connection. People where then duping items and coning themselfs and items. hence why it was removed
  4. dayzfox

    Separate the community?

    Destroys the whole feel of the game. It's supposed to be unforgiving, nervy, anxious and hard to trust people. It's an apocalypse. I hope will never happen for this game unless rocket allows servers their own rules etc. Which won't come anytime soon and i'm glad of it. The reason people play this game is for them heart pumping moments of confrontation and uncertainty. People who run around the coast shooting zombies and having bean wars are easy to avoid if you know some simple movement and angle checks and no-one can ever spawn camp the coast (its HUGE). It's easy to avoid the confrontation if you really want to and have the minor skills/common sense to do so.
  5. would be even lower as some of the longer life players and medium ones are only there due to ALT+F4'ing half the time. However, i'm proud to say i'm at 22 days currently :) Been at as low as 1.2k blood and shot at least 4 times and fought honestly with no disconnects or zombie re-logging (However, 6/15 of my firefights have resulted in the 'enemy' d/c'ing on me/us. Not cool)
  6. NO Meet us half way. Makarov with a clip? Not enough to kill for ammo, enough to be conserving/ cautious.
  7. YES Worth a try, A visual one may be better. Scars/Blood stained face or something of that nature.
  8. We have no takers? Fr7 is stable when it comes to tents and cars but understandable if it not your home server...