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Everything posted by gc_stealth

  1. gc_stealth

    I died being forcefed M4A1 magazine rounds...

    When you're dead you're dead. Moral of the story don't eat bullets.
  2. gc_stealth

    SKS Attachments

    They removed the ability to use the LRS in the latest patch. Not sure if I agree or not since I haven't actually used the sks
  3. gc_stealth

    Roaming Zombie Hordes of Doom

    It would be awesome just not in dayz just because well the zombies are crap to be honest.
  4. gc_stealth

    DayZ Standalone question

    Battle eye does global bans doesn't it? Some kid was crying the other day because he was banned on arma then bought dayz and was banned before he could even play. I find that funny though. They should never be able to enjoy any game again after hacking.
  5. I'd say you could possibly go with a slightly less powerful PSU and as for the SSD go for a 840 EVO since the standard 840 is outdated now (not even sold where I live anymore) or if you're really keen go for a pro series. Good choice of parts though :D
  6. gc_stealth

    long range scope for a mosin

    You can always find mosins in schools. In the new town you can usually find about 3 inside as long as it hasn't been looted.
  7. gc_stealth

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Low. At Least get a quad core.
  8. gc_stealth

    Can Hackers Make You Lag / Lose Control?

    It is impossible for someone to make you lag (connection wise) with a hack.
  9. gc_stealth

    Battle Eye Kick = Character Wipe?

    I've been kicked for timing out but haven't lost a character from it.
  10. gc_stealth

    Fix Log In And Dead

    Never happened. Were you server hoping by any chance?
  11. gc_stealth

    Pve v.s PvP

    That won't happen dayz sa. One of the few server hosting rules is: "Your server must NOT have a NO KILL policy" if you try to have a pve server it will result in a suspension of your server.
  12. gc_stealth


    Lol so true. Playing with my friend and it's his first time properly playing dayz and he broke his legs so many times from the ladders and did die once from climbing then he just kind of fell off. I have been fairly lucky with ladders, had many close calls.
  13. gc_stealth

    Anyone want a pristine long range scope?

    Just put the scope in the middle of the runway at the airbase and i'll run to it then see how far you can snipe me from :thumbsup: :beans:
  14. gc_stealth

    Where to find radios (walkies)?

    yeahp fire stations.
  15. gc_stealth

    DayZ Standalone 60 Seconds Review

    62 Seconds, to be exact.
  16. gc_stealth

    Name Problem

    Um on the menu you just click on your name and you can change it....
  17. Check dean's twitter he posted a link on redit of how it works.
  18. gc_stealth

    painted mosin

    Yes it is a bug. Dean said it will be fixed next patch.
  19. gc_stealth


    You just failed so bad. Don't be disrespectful if your grammar is worse. It's actually a suit but I'm sure you knew that.
  20. gc_stealth

    Best Gun Spawn Near NE Airfield?

    In the NE airfield in the buildings with the jail cells. I find mosins and m4's there occasionally.
  21. gc_stealth

    New patch - Re-focus

    And you understand the modelers don't fix code issues?
  22. gc_stealth

    Bad framerate on high end laptop?

    This. There is no such thing as a high end laptop because you can only get a mobile GPU and CPU.
  23. gc_stealth

    Teleporting back while running

    Search :D The answer to your problems is so close.
  24. gc_stealth

    How to fix character wipes

    But then you have the issue of people complaining because servers keep kicking them :P Your character is still saved currently even with the issues as long as you find a server that is connected to the hive. A lot of rented servers currently aren't connected to the hive so no player data is saved when you leave a server so everytime it spawns you as a new character. In the meantime people will just need to work out which servers are actually working correctly and are connected to the hive.