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Everything posted by acanofcoke@hotmail.com

  1. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    New server and I can't use/see it

    Just rented a new server 5 days ago and it doesn't work. Multiplay say it needs whitelisting and it's down to the devs to sort it. Can anyone help?
  2. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    New server and I can't use/see it

    Klunt <----I'm a very big Ricky Gervais fan. I made up the bumskrint bit
  3. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    New server and I can't use/see it

    I've been away till this very minute. Iv'e not tried it but people seem to be playing on it so I guess it's working.
  4. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    New server and I can't use/see it

    Kewl, thanks
  5. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    New server and I can't use/see it

    They've told me "The dev that handles whitelisting was out today so hopefully we will see these sorted tomorrow." and "The member of the DayZ development team that handles in the in-game whitelist has been out of the office for a few days. This has led to us having a small build up of new services which are not yet whitelisted." is this bollards?
  6. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    Critical Unplanned Update of 0.34 to Stable 7 February 2014

    weirdly my performance has improved post patch. Definitely a memory leak though
  7. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    Critical Unplanned Update of 0.34 to Stable 7 February 2014

    Game has always run like a dog for me, Struggles to get over 35fps. i7 3770k @ 4.7 GTX 780 SLI.
  8. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I went back to the stable release it it was there. On the experimental release my default character had changed to a black lady.
  9. acanofcoke@hotmail.com

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Just tried the Ex build but my character did not come with me :0(