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Everything posted by ad1

  1. <http://existenz.se/out.php?id=96884> Hello! So i saw this image that i linked. It just looked so DayZ to me and so i started visualizing it and i realised how much i would love a game mode like that. Imagine the following: Everyone spawns with decent, but not great gear. Enfield, ak-74-ish . They get a little food and a map. The train leaves in one hour. The map needs to be pretty small but not so small that everyone gets killed of before the train is about to leave. Good loot is somewhat plenty around the map but players only have an hour to gear up and get to the train. This would be interesting in the sense that one would have to really prioritize: Do i want to go for a better gun? What if i get shot? i will need medical supplies, or - do i go straight for the train and get the best position for a major advantage? I think the friendliness levels will also fluctuate in an interesting way under this hour. Knowing that they will encounter large numbers of people, solo - players will likely try to find a friend to watch their back before the "Battle royal" begins. I really like the specific scene in the picture as well, the approach to the railway is covered from the far mountain by the trees, making it a battleground for relatively close range combat. The closer mountain has some view and advantage over this battleground but is exposed to possible snipers on the far mountain. This is just how i quickly imagined it could go down, do you think it could work or be fun? Any ideas for changes welcome. I just think it would be really cool. ad1