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Spot (DayZ)

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About Spot (DayZ)

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  1. Spot (DayZ)

    Hackers on US89 TX

    A friend of mine was just on that server and was teleported into the ocean. (No he did not pick up any clothing items and try to use them. He killed a player and soon after was teleported.) Thats all fine and dandy, but when he goes to kill himself with the respawn button.. It's grayed out. What now?
  2. Spot (DayZ)

    Hackers have become a bigger problem than KoS

    KOS isn't a problem.
  3. Spot (DayZ)

    Into the mind of a bandit.

    The end of this video dives into being a heartless bandit. A look "Into the mind of a bandit" so to speak.
  4. I travel with a buddy that snipes. I normally hide kinda near him and spot for him and if anyone comes up and kills him I blow them away with my AKM and watch his body till he gets back. So AKM 2 water bottles Meat (Meaning I need Knife, Hatchet, Matches) Binoculars Once I have that stuff I consider my scavenging done and my player killing started.
  5. Got to the point when I needed to run the Beta install. I get "Wrong CD key" message. I own the game on steam... so yah. What now?
  6. I used to update my game manually, then I found out about 6 updater and launcher. But then for some unknown reason I could no longer launch the game from steam and thats not cool. I like to use the steam friend chat system and the steam browser to load up a map for Dayz so I don't have to min the game to look at it. Anyway, for a few days I was launching from 6 launcher, but now it takes forever to join a server and when I do, the FPS is at 1 to 9. I haven't been able to play Dayz for a few days. (lol just noticed the Dayz Days thing just there. :P ) What can guy do to play this in steam again and have it playable and fun again?
  7. Reminds me of last week when I found a car. Drove it into Electro and killed a few people with it. Server was reset, almost lost the car cuz it was dark all of the sudden. Then we drove it out of town.. Found a player and kkilled him. Then the server reset again and when it came back up, not only was it dark, but raining and the car was GONE. I would cry foul play, but who do you tell that cares? Thats the real question.
  8. Yah. lame. Just here to tell the public that 50 players just got sent back to the coast with nothing do to hackers.
  9. Spot (DayZ)

    Error creating direct3D 9 graphical engine

    Did this. No go. Still have the error.
  10. Just happened to myself and a friend. Came here to see if anyone else was having the same problem. Guess there's no solution yet.
  11. I miss chatting with people. I'd never meet anyone or trust anyone on it, but it was nice to answer new players questions and chat wile I survive. It was a nice filler activity. Sad its gone, and I'd like to see it's return.
  12. Spot (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    My friends and I do not kill players for murder points. We don't kill them for epeens. We kill other players because we enjoy killing real players. Go ahead and take away the murder counter. I will still drop everything I'm doing to kill a player over zombies any day of the week, and I hate to see them DC from the game to get away from me. If they catch me and I'm gonna die, guess what... I'm gonna die. I'm not gonna bitch about it, and I'm not gonna DC to get away. Its not sporty.
  13. Spot (DayZ)

    Evil Evil Bandit Video

    HAHA And I thought the Nazi's lost the war.
  14. Spot (DayZ)

    Evil Evil Bandit Video

    I'm glad you found it entertaining. :P It was fun making it. And Rocket, if you are reading this. Please try to keep this game brutal. Wobbles and I have been looking for a mature game. I think we found it. This game can be punishing! And thats how it should be.
  15. Look into a day of the Bandit. Not all bad, but still pretty bad. Spot & McWobbles