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Everything posted by Dunxel

  1. First day on 0.55 the first two servers we play on.. Gear as far as the eye can see. Stay anywhere on the shore you will die. Go inland anywhere & you find just about anything. Had so much crap just started experimenting with eating Cow guts & lard.. only to get sick & die. :) FUN! Next day.. One server had good loot. Decided to try another and nothing.... picked 20+ apples went inland. no loot. nothing. Maybe a some shoes or some books. Eat more apples.. go more inland.. half way into the map.. nothing.. just living off apples. Try another server.. same thing. spent a good 3 hours on each. living off Apples. Seriously couldn't find anything. tried another server.. gave up once we got about as far as Polana. Hey lets try another.. again.. except this time I spawned at Sminovo.. headed to Nagornoe.. nothing. Holy SHEEET maybe this is why some people complain. Went back to our first 2 servers from the first day of 0.55. CAUSE We Favorited them! LOOT EVERYWHERE!!! ZOMG soo happy again! So there you have.. super poor scientific research. shows that some servers are awesome on loot & others are pure garbage waste of hours of time farming apples to survive. PS: Who ever told my friends eating raw Cow meat is safe in this patch.... *FLIP BIRD* all of us got sick. :(
  2. Dunxel

    Persistance... yeah

    yeah i ran into this as well. Server that rebooted every 4 hours to free up resources & such with Persistence On supposedly. Every 4 hours everything got wiped. We lost 2 tents in an 8 hour day. Would be nice to actually have a way to filter TRUE Persistence servers with these not Persistent that claim to be. It might be best to just put a tent down with a few items you won't be missing. to test the waters.
  3. Dunxel

    CPU strength?

    It takes a lot of tweaking of the settings. Sometimes its best to start really freaking low and work your way up. Some settings get changed by in game settings.. so it might be better to start the game up dump your settings low.. make a note of the FPS.. then go to the config files & make your changes. Also recommend doing your testing near a decent size town/city. Don't do your tests in the country away from buildings.. I can easily get 90+fps in the country with max settings then dump to 15fps in a town & cry. GPU_MaxFramesAhead= 1 GPU_DetectedFramesAhead= 1 some say 4? Scene Complexity= start low 20000 then work your way up to like 500000. ShadowZDistance=50 shouldn't need to go any higher unless you see no frame rate changes. Prefereed Object View Distance = 1000 to 2000. you really don't need to be higher or lower than that. View Distance = 1000 to 2000. i personally keep it the same as above. TileSize = 50 to 3.125 (smaller number = higher quality of graphics. many recommend 12.5)
  4. Dunxel

    Crafting Questions .55

    you can throw the meat into the fire & it will still cook. Pot isn't really required unless your RP'n.
  5. Dunxel

    Not all Servers are the same. (0.55)

    Yeah pretty much what i was pointing out in a nut shell. Also the Persistence thing does not appear to be hard coded for all. We had one of the better loot servers dump & scramble loot after every reboot.. which was every 4 hours. :( We actually went so far as to put up a tent & fill it full of garbage junk.. it was gone. :( The low/no loot servers we never really bothered.. i mean 3 hours of eating apples kinda wears on ya. I would love to try the bullets in a fire thing.. but man Matches & Hand Flares are RARE.
  6. Recently the past 1-2 weeks I've been running into a problem. It only seems to happen after i pull out a melee weapon to kill a Zombie. My mouse left click / Fire / attack button gets stuck.. i keep swinging & cannot stop. If i press other buttons ie: switch to gun.. I will immediately start unloading all of my ammo. Trying to figure out a quick way to stop it.. but it is still difficult to stop. Alt - Tab, Esc, Double/Triple Click Fire. not sure what stops it. This only started happening recently. I don't have this problem in other games that i have also played this past 2 weeks.. (BF4, ArmA 3 [Wasteland/King of the Hill], WoW, DoTa 2). Mouse is Logitech G700 is my weapon of choice if it matters.
  7. Well as i pointed out.. no issues on any other game except this one. Just find it odd. I've checked & its very clean.
  8. Dunxel

    Performance on high end PC (awful)

    Some Youtubers who has some pretty smooth gameplay for a really simple system.. 3rd Gen i7 & 970 & another had something similar but used a R9 290. Said something along the lines of using "Edge Smoothing:" don't use FXAA only SXAA? Also viewDistance try using 1000 to 2000; You really don't need much more than that. At the current state of the game.And keep preferredObjectViewDistance 100-200 less than ViewDistance. Lastly play with the Object Details settings.In the country you could possibly max everything out & still get 40-60fps and be happy.. But the City is where it will kill you ever time no matter what. Go to a major city and log out a little ways out of town in the bushes. Make a few changes.. check it from a distance & then go into town for a bit.. Log out & make small changes & try again. Don't bother with changes in the country or near a tiny town.
  9. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/78119153354/weekly-report-starting-our-focus-on-survival Near the bottom.
  10. Dunxel

    Can my new computer run DayZ?

    Add a GPU & you may be able to play it. I wouldn't expect 30+fps anywhere except the vast green empty hills. Even with a brand spanking new $3k+ Gaming rig you still won't get decent FPS in the cities. I wouldn't go to far overboard as the game is just not Optimized right now.
  11. Dunxel

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Thank you. You said it best. I can get this game to run 15-30fps on many range of systems.. but the same issue across all of them is the same.. Come close to a City & all will get crushed. Game is not utilizing hardware efficiently at all right now. I strongly suggest helping this Feedback page with any & all data you collect. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=3356
  12. Dunxel

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    6 cores getting 20-40% utilization each while GPU gets 30-40%.. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=3356 Clearly not. Its a known issue with the game optimization. Anyone can do this test. Install MSI Afterburner + HWiNFO : configure an in-game display of CPU,GPU,RAM, FPS.
  13. Dunxel

    Low FPS issue

    Game is super under optimized.. but it appears this is a known thing with ARMA games. just doesn't use much of any resources available to it. Even if you tone down the graphics to super low its choppy & your GPU will sit at 20% utilization and CPU's around the same. NO clue what we can do other than sitting back & wait for the Devs.
  14. Dunxel

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    I have begun doing tons of testing on my own system. One setting at a time. Hardware. AMD Phenom 1100T 3.7GHz (removed overclocking for now) 16 GB DDR3 1600MHz AMD Radeon 6970 2GB 2x OCZ Vertex 3 SSD in Raid 0 Asus 23" 1920x1080 x2 (1 for game, 1 for screen.) My 2 test beds is. Deep woods overlooking Berzino & in the middle of Berzino. Using MSI Afterburner with HWiNFO to display RAM Usage, each Core Usage, GPU Usage & FPS. at 16GB of RAM my usage never exceeds 25% ever. Not counting the other applications/browsers i have open. If you force DAYz to run across 2 CORES you will see a 80-90%+ Core Usage on the 2 cores. Using Windows 8.1 Affinity to set the core usage works the Short Cut Launch doesn't appear to do much of anything. 4 Cores you will see a 50-60% Core Usage. 6 Cores you will see a 20-40% Core Usage. GPU Usage is pretty sad. The game never uses more than 30-40% of the GPU. Except when you stair straight into the ground, Sky or the Ocean.. It will shoot to 90% Usage and the FPS will exceed. I could only find 1 Setting "in game" that would create a HUGE GPU Usage. Ambient Occlusion. This would shoot me up to 80% usage. Since the game overall doesn't appear to really touch the GPU usage i used AMD Catalyst Control Center to change the AA. This improved graphics a Decent amount without phasing the FPS in game. GPU Usage went from 30/40% to 50/60% after i finished. 24xEQ by 16xAF. Some of the in game settings did not make much of any changes on CPU, RAM or GPU usage. But the FPS would make small changes. Objects made small changes Terrain did pretty much nothing as far as i could tell with FPS. Clouds being left to Disabled or Very Low. Anything above this starts messing with FPS. Shadows being left Disabled or Very Low. Anything above this starts to knock of 1-2 FPS per setting. Rendering just turn it all OFF. use your Nvidia or AMD control panels. Ambiet Occlusion Enabled will MURDER your FPS in towns. & send your GPU Usage to 80-90% instantly. Textures Auto or X. Didn't seem to matter. Texture Details. This honestly didn't seem to really effect FPS that much or GPU Usage. Couldn't really see a difference in usage between low & High. Texture Filtering. This had a small/minor impact. It appeared to effect more when you spin your character around & loading recently unseen areas for a brief moment. I have much more testing to do and more tweaking. As in City is down to 27fps with around 14-18fps when spinning around or cresting corners of buildings. I plan to go in deeper with the cfg file settings some more.. Problem with tweaking these is the Spawn Timer. Login in & out to make small changes takes time. If anyone has some more suggestions on what to focus on more next please let me know. I have access to 3 very different systems & am trying to find the optimal settings for them which could in turn become a befit to the community.
  15. Dunxel

    22-30 FPS with GTX 780?

    I've spent a boat load of time tweaking settings all over the game to get it to run smooth. Currently bouncing between 2 systems. AMD Phenom x6 1110T 3.7GHz 16 GB RAM AMD 6970 2GB 2x OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Raid 0 & Intel i7-3520M 2.9GHz 8 GB RAM Intel HD4000 512MB 5400rpm Laptop HD I've actually managed to get the Laptop to run fairly smooth in all places except Big Cities. There i get 10-15fps. Cherno area is just pure hatred on both systems. It's taken numerous hours of research & tweaking to get good FPS on both systems. But the 1 thing that still plagues me is getting decent FPS in towns. Also the AMD Desktop Rig suffers from Z-Fighting and other flashing glitchy graphics only in cities.. Which is also driving me bonkers to fix. I defeated a TON of my Z-Fighting issues by disabling ALL AA options in game & using AA Options from the AMD Catalyst Control Panel. This game defiantly will run on just about any damn stupid system but getting decent FPS is a Science.
  16. Dunxel


    Hate to be a downer.. But looking at the history of ARMA games... I highly doubt game performance is #1 on their priority list. Game has always been stuck running on low/medium quality to gain fps.. even on insane uber systems over the years.
  17. Dunxel

    Admin/Server Abuse

    Well at first watching the video.. We could see 40/40 server.. When you joined saw a TON of [Clan Tags]. So my first assumption was.. Oh their kicking you to make room for clan mates which i think is an ok process. At the VERY end of your video you get kicked & it says 18/40... That now makes me agree with you that the Admin is abusing his/her powers.
  18. Dunxel


    Nope & nope.
  19. Dunxel

    NWAF - You lied to me

    I've never seen anyone at NWAF. :( My friends hate even going up that far unless it is to get loot... ie: super rare LRS. :P I've managed to talk them into camping it for several hours on a weekend night. Even tried server hopping. Nothing. 2 hours.. change server. 2 hours change server.. *friend leaves to go play BF4.* 2 hours... *They all want to leave now.* Regular server had 2 guys in ATC watching 2 different directions.. Others in Prison near by also keeping eye. Nothing. It is pretty freaking boring. NEAF is pretty popular place.. Sniper in the hills with NUMEROUS hiding spots can take for ever trying to sneak up on. But sadly tons of Sharking at NEAF and it makes it a super dangerous place to waste your character at. Bolota is also pretty good spot. Seems like most people just camp the Prison with the doors closed. Waiting for someone to open the door to gun down.
  20. I ran into something this week that makes me wonder how much Power do server admins have. A group of friends and I have won some good fire fights this weekend.. I've managed to brag of my victory over the corpse of my enemy over voice chat. My friends said nothing. When we left the server 3 times i've gotten reset. My friends did not. I wonder if by landing the killing blow or talking in Voice Chat gave the Server Admin a target & somehow sent a command to the hive to have me wiped out. I've reported the issue to the Bugs website.. although i really don't have much proof.. As it only happened 3 out of like 9 times this weekend. Then again i don't normally get super hyped up like I did in those 3 particular fights. ------------------ I've also managed to run into the only 1-2 people on the entire server of a low pop server. Elektro is a sad sad place..
  21. You know what.. I've noticed this the past week or so. I've gotten into some pretty hairy fights and ended up on top. I some times wonder if the people i killed were the server admins & had the ability to have my toon wiped. Cause soon as i left their server.. my shit was wiped.. This happened 3 times this week. Friends from the same server had no problems. Only difference between me & them.. I made the killing blow.. I may have tea bagged a corpse or 2... and said in voice chat "YOU LIKE THOSE? TASTE GOOD DOESN'T IT!?" So my theory is the Server Admins have the ability to punish you.. As in have your Toon wiped. Last laugh?
  22. Dunxel

    Pc specs

    The game has NUMEROUS configurations & tweaks needed to make the game run smooth. Spend some time searching for guides on the forums & Google/Youtube. I've posted a few times on directions on how to tweak peoples hardware. I've managed to get it to run on a i7-3rd Gen HD4000 Laptop running a 5400rpm HD. Pretty smooth except in Cherno area. Trust me there are a TON of settings that can be made to the game to make it run smoother. Also it does appear to run better on INTEL CPU's compared to AMD.. GPU Nvidia appears to also run better than AMD for this game. My only hardware suggestions for you if you do want to upgrade but don't wish to spend a lot of money... RAM.. you need 8GB to enjoy most gaming efficiently. Otherwise you need to be running a program like Razer's Game Booster to kill tons of background stuff that is un-needed.
  23. I will have to test this asap. I did just so happen to change those very settings last night to 8xQ on my AMD CCC. It did seem to help reduce the flickering a Little already. Didn't have enough time last-night to actually play the game and test more changes. Was trying out this guys guide to settings and using it as a go to assistance video for new comers. He suggested turning off the in game AA & using Nvidia/AMD application over ride settings.. Which does appear to work out better performance wise.
  24. Dunxel

    5.1 sound available ?

    Under the audio section i think there is an option for Channels. Highest was like 96 or 128. I maxed this out on my 7.1 Headset. Surround sound seems to work decently but not super accurate at this time. In my opinion. I have a better guess as to which direction shots come from over my friends who wear simple headsets.
  25. I have the same issue on my gaming rig.. Friend on a very different rig doesn't have this issue. AMD Phenom X6 1100T 16GB RAM AMD Radeon 6970 2GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD x2 Raid 0 I have managed to clear up a lot of lag/fps in 95% of the map.. (Cherno area is still a fps killer) Still tweaking settings a little each day trying to find exactly what causes this flickering & how to make Cherno freaking run above 10-20 fps.. :(