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About azianice

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    On the Coast
  1. Hey, So I had just cleared into Solch. and was running around with a fireaxe and my new beret when I got the red connection message and it felt like it was lagging. So I logged off, sorted by ping and jumped into another server. I came alive with a motorcycle helmet, no bag, and cargo pants. This wasn't even a real reset...how did I get this gear? Now no matter how much I try to switch servers I can't get my original one back! I also noticed now, when I jump around servers, I 30% of the time spawn in with my motorcycle helmet guy (I didn't pick up anything!) and 70% of the time it randomly puts me as a new spawn in different areas. That's right, not respawn once and always be THAT freshspawn, but a reset of my fresh spawn EVERY time I switch servers! Anyone got any ideas? I'm laughing at it right now, but realize if I want to ACTUALLY get anything done, I may have to NEVER log out as I have not gotten the same character twice in the past 2 hrs of me trying to get my original back!
  2. azianice

    Is this normal?

    Hey all, I'm new to this so bare with me, I tried looking around the forums for an answer to this but couldn't find anything. I have this weird issue where I'm running on a road, and after about 6 minutes, I'm teleported back about 5 minutes worth of running, and my guy freezes there. I can't tab to view inventory, I can't move, I can't even quit the game! However I can hear the waves and there's movement from the surroundings so the game isn't "frozen". The only way to get out of it is to alt tab, quit the game, and rejoin a server. When I do, I find I'm back to pretty much where I started running from! What is going on? Is this normal and how do I use the bug reporting tool? I seem logged in here, but do I need to create a different account there? Thanks guys, and so far I'm having a blast..other than this small issue.