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Smokey420 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Smokey420 (DayZ)

  1. Smokey420 (DayZ)

    I love killing people who deserve it.

    i'm the opposite. i enjoy running up to unarmed people and telling them i'm friendly. i'll drop a few cans of food or drinks for them and when they go into their inventory to pick it up I'll put one in their head.
  2. Smokey420 (DayZ)

    No Surrender types

    i don't surrender, i ALT+F4
  3. Smokey420 (DayZ)

    KoS is acceptable for me.

    good luck firing at me when your a fresh spawn on the coast running to elektro
  4. Smokey420 (DayZ)

    Don't Allow Zombies to Climb Ladders

    so, you've been in a zombie apocalypse before?
  5. Smokey420 (DayZ)

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    I died about 9 times but I killed at least 70 (90% of which were fresh spawns running to elektro)
  6. when to appropriately press ALT+F4
  7. yeah i was in a two story house and some bitch zed came and somehow jumped through the 2nd floor so only his little bitch head was stickin out and he killed me.
  8. Smokey420 (DayZ)

    zeds go through walls and floors without using stairs

    das it mane