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Everything posted by Steinmarder

  1. Steinmarder

    Lag and random disconnect on oficial servers

    I validated my files - all checked out. However, I also did some more in-depth latency measurements and I am actually getting ping spikes there! So at least in my case, it may have nothing to do with DayZ! I contacted my provider again with screens of the measurements. Test your latency here: https://www.wieistmeineip.de/ping/ You will get a graph after a 10s measurement showing your actual ping curve over time. Connection is to a server center in Frankfurt, Germany, where many big farms are so its pretty representative for your gaming connections in Europe. If you do get any spikes above 300 -> kick is legit.
  2. Steinmarder

    Food and survival rate

    I personally enjoy the new mechanics a lot. FINALLY food is not hot anymore in the jackets forever. No more heat cheating 🙂 God I hated that so much.. Plus the heat buffer works great. Warm up at a fireplace, then go out into the rainy night again and keep working for an hour, repeat. Great! Firewood could just be made stackable tbh. You can carry 6 of them inside a fireplace thats only 5x5 but you cant stack em alone. About the spawning however, especially mushrooms and the like.. Ye, you need to give that stuff some time to spawn too. If I spend some time in an area, the forests around start to spawn a lot of shrooms. But your character also blocks spawns if it is too close. Apparently its technically impossible to have loot just spawn on its own - it needs a player in range to initiate it. It's always been like that. The buildings/objects are not active/accesible by script otherwise or something like that... And if the player just runs into a town - he will block the zones before he actually triggers a new spawn. If you are desperate for loot and you cant make it to another town due to hunger/thirst, you can wait 200-300m outside town for a while. It will pop some new spawns on empty loot spots after about 5min. It's kinda cheesy.. but it's how it works. I just try and do it "naturally". Take a turn through the forest first, observe the town a little before I go in.. etc. And dont "switch" a clothing item right from the ground when you find it. That way you block the loot spawn with your athletic shoes or your tshirt for the rest of time. 😉
  3. Steinmarder

    Lag and random disconnect on oficial servers

    Seems to be an older issue that resurfaced - see here And that post hinted at the official hives being the source of the problem - as any private hives were unaffected. Can anyone confirm wether this only affects official servers? I am not playing on any private ones currently.
  4. A lot of people start reporting this issue since 1.10 again now. I also am being kicked constantly, 1-5 times per hour, "latency too high" (300-700ms according to message), yet my ping is 20 to the server. Already had my provider doublecheck everything - all good on my end. At least you are being "kicked" so the character despawns immediatly - and reconnection just takes a few seconds after the timer. But it sure gets annoying, especially when you are right in the middle of opening your gates etc and you get kicked 2 times in the process.
  5. Steinmarder

    delete please

    delete please