So, starting off on the coast of berzino I saw a few guys on the coast so I thought I would go over and start a conversation. I find out that there both trolls/bandits trying to be good boys on the coast "apparently" giving out supplies. My survivor senses were tingling once they told my to press F2 to put my hand behind my head, after a while of trolling them pretending to be a noob they try to cuff me (maybe to force feed me some rotten fruit) so I ran forwards to escape and they were saying that they were "friendly cuffs" so I react by punching them both till they were unconcious. I was startled that I actually managed to even beat down these 2 guys with out any injuries. Anyway I took the gear while under fire and set off to the NEAF to meet a couple of friends but then I encounter two more bandits! They killed my friends and as the tension was high I flanked around to the Office next to the communication centre at the southern end of the airfield (correct me if I am wrong) and took there high ground as they were looting my unconcious friend and took shots at them, not knowing that they were COMBAT LOGGERS! Take a look for yourself, I uploaded the video of all this happening on my channel enjoy!