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About Go0lden_Archer

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  1. Go0lden_Archer

    Re-purchasing DayZ SA

    So, i've been banned a long time ago for no reason but getting cheated weapon from cheater and dropping it, but as it goes, I'm not going to be un-banned, i'm not fine with that but, I want to continue playing with my friends. So... Can I re-purchase DayZ SA on the same steam acc as my current DayZ SA at, to simply get un-banned, or do I need to create another acc for playing DayZ? I'd really love to continue playing on my acc, instead of creating new one for one game only..
  2. Go0lden_Archer

    how u call the AKM/SKS ammo ?

    Same here.
  3. Go0lden_Archer

    How I Play As A Bandit.

    It's not 'good' to shot some1 in back, but it's part of the game as is. Normal, fun, or whatever. And this kind of things give to atmosphere Day Z have atm, unlike KOS everything :)
  4. Go0lden_Archer

    No Surrender types

    The sad point about it, is that instead of LIFE meaning something, there's only lif is your gear thing. IRL i'd never go down fighting when it was my life or can of beans on the line. But it's the game, where you die, respawn, die, respawn, and with no penalty for both.
  5. Go0lden_Archer

    No Surrender types

    And that's exactly the reason why I stoped using M4 and start using Mosin (SKS soon), and killing on sight. I've tired of people start shooting on sight, loggin out, or just not giving up, i.e. dying by any means possible, when all I wanted was some robber RP, without killing everything, and taking 1-2 things, just for a damn fun. But I find out it's much more funnier to just shot 'em all, then come closer and laugh at them in mic, atleast because it always works out.
  6. Go0lden_Archer

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    I'm not saying it'd make people stop using TS or other soft. Thing is, those who are so 'addicted' to using this soft, or loot maps, or 3rd person-'WH' will use it, making this game easier. Rest of the community, as well as some of those who use TS to talk with group (Me and my friends for example), won't really care, and it would even odds for that players. I never counted any of those players, who would use any advantage to simplify the game. You can as well turn brightness and gamma all the way up at night, and justify it in any way you want, who the hell need NV anyway, eh? Or start server hopping to gear yourself up in 5 minutes, instead of 5 hours. This way it'll be interesting and you'd go to 'real game' faster, eh?
  7. Go0lden_Archer

    Oops... Open Mic.

    So, If I get it correctly man in green shirt lost his beens cuz of man in black shirt, so man in red shirt ran all the way from Cherno to Elektro to find rise in that shop, but it was looted by man in yellow bandana with open mic, who eventually spoted man in green shirt running after man in black shirt who spotted man in red shirt? And you where watching it from that side of 3-floors building, eh?
  8. Go0lden_Archer

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    I think good way to prevent using any 3rd party VoIP would be making ingame VoIP always active. Then whenever you start talking in TS3, Skype, or anything else, your character will start talking ingame, and if anyone is near your location... Well, you get the point :D P.S. And I think that the most common 'cheat' used is ingame Brigthness and Gamma on 100%. If only they'd set 'em on 50% and remove that setting, so no1 would be able to use it at night :D
  9. Go0lden_Archer

    Server Times and In-game Nightfall

    It beggins to darken about 16:00, and getting really dark at about 18:00 Also the light returns in about 06:00.
  10. Go0lden_Archer


    It's not 'always night', just check server time. If it's 00:02, then obviously it'll be night there, and if it's 09:00 then it's morning, etc.
  11. Go0lden_Archer

    This night time stuff is very annoying...

    I kinda like this new feature, tho I hope they'll make nights brighter, as atm it's pitch black in middle of night, and that's under clear sky with moon and lots of stars.
  12. Go0lden_Archer

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Can any one give a tip on how to use defib on dead ppl? Me and my friend are trying it out, but it says that we can't use it on dead people (On 0.32 build)
  13. Go0lden_Archer

    Should this be called fun?

    And I'll tell you, OP, my character story. In short: Me, and my friends are having a good time in Day Z, as by now, 4 days alive, we experienced: ~6 hours of eating/drinking/screening good places. ~30 hours of looting/gearing/modding weaps. ~ 50 hours of walking around the Chernarus, loosing ourselves in the wild as well, cuz of bad coordination xD ~ 20 hours of PVP of different kind. I.e. we had simple firefights in towns, as well as few raids on the towns, We experienced both 'hero' and 'bandit' actions. And I was robbed myself ones! Conclusion: For me this game IS fun. But only IF you know how, and can, entertain yourself. In it's early aplha (Thus with only few thing to do ingame) you can enjoy the game, enjoy surviving it. It's a combination of both PVE and PVP, and some RP, that gives alot of fun mostly, when you interact with other players for random stuff to hapen (Never know what thay guy with an axe in his hand will do..), and when you looting different stuff because you need to eat, drink, and reload you gun.
  14. Go0lden_Archer

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Rabbit! Suprise mo... dat sun D:
  15. Go0lden_Archer

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    I have to agree with OP on this one.. I'm trying to RP a 'Friendly bandit' kind of character myself. But, it comes to my mind that instead of trying to rob people, by taking only 1-2 things from them, and letting them go, it's easier to just shoot them on sight, cuz... 1. Some of them are crazy! I've met a survivor few days ago, who attacked me (Me - full military-geared, with fully-modded M4A1, and baddass kamo bandana and rocket aviators) with an axe! I was in about 10m from him, and he, shouting "MAN! DON'T SHOOT! PLEASE MAN!!!11" started running toward me and attacking.. And here I wanted just to RP a robbery D: 2. Some of them will KOS, without any word or anything, just attack everything that moves. 3. Some of them, which pisses me off most of all, will just log out. The moment they see you poiting gun at their face/back, telling them not to move, and if they will act fine, they'll be free and with their gear in no-time, they just LOG OUT! That breaks all the damn atempt of any RP. It's much more worser then inadequate reaction of 2 above. Or even better, you handcuff them, and BAM, they log out. They're dead because of it, but you, the bandit, doesn't get any loot, lose your handcuffs, AND the very core of RP is ruined. So it's easier to KOS, RP-ing some crazy murdurer who doesn't care that more then 80% of population on the Earth is dead, and half of the survivors aren't exactly 'alive' anymore. Much more easier to just kill on sight, and ask questions later, from the dead body. P.S. despite this fact, I've had very dicent RP-acting situations. Involving helping survivors, robbing survivors, joining with others and 'raiding' towns, etc... I really hope that one day I'll manage to find myself a RP-based server, with 64+ slots, and be able to RP, instead of seeing how people just log out (Or relog behind you =/). Or atleast I hope there will be some restriction for relogging in 'unsafe' zones.