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About cobraneo

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  1. cobraneo

    I Think I Found A Easter Egg

    Could you get a life...very sad individual here
  2. I have had this happen to me on at least 5 occasions. Me and my 2 friends joined a server just after it restarted, then about 15 mins later we came across 2 geared players, soon as we killed them the server restarted, when we rejoined we spawned about 30 secs prior to fire fight. I have also joined a server with 6 players on it, every time I joined it within 1-2 mins the server would restart, this happened 10 times, and every time it rolled back 20-30 secs. Then the server admin sent a message saying Neo wtf you doing. So Yea the server defo rolls back a little bit.
  3. cobraneo

    The Anti-Server hopping.

    Or you could just look at the time of day on the server list before you join to see if its a day or night server
  4. cobraneo

    So much for a "stable" update

    I think your over exaggerating a little. Its not hard to find somewhere safe to log out for 30 secs, The only people whining about this change are combat loggers
  5. cobraneo

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    No but dayz rewards organised team play, just like all other competitive online games, and the best way to be organised is good communication like teamspeak. And also its a lot more fun than just sitting for hours on end in silent. combat logging, ghosting and using third party maps that's cheating
  6. cobraneo

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    I play with 2 close friends every night and the first thing we do is log on teamspeak, we spend a lot of the time running around in game just chatting having a laugh and generally catching up. I don't understand the problem every organised team have used some form of teamspeak in games for years, why is this game any different?
  7. cobraneo

    Direct Comm Is Actually A Better Way To Communicate

    Im sorry I cant see any reason to use in game coms over teamspeak. I play every night with 2 of my friends, it takes sec to describe your position, and no one can hear you. But im all for extra features for the in game coms system.
  8. cobraneo

    Hot Spawning, Ghosting, Combat Logging. @@@

    There are a lot of idiot kid fanboys in this thread and im sure all of them are sad combat loggers that doesn't want the exploit fixed. Combat logging should of been the first thing to fix when they launched SA alpha, and it should be pretty simple to fix, a 30 sec log out timer would do. Also another note to the dick sucking fanboys.. would you still be crying its alpha if all the weapons fired fresh air and the only servers where night servers?
  9. why do you think he was cheating? you and your buddy's have prob just server hoped in front of some more lame server hopers