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Everything posted by SukaTuba

  1. But it is. I like everything about the game. Apart from the time wasting and difficulty of it.
  2. Srsly could you just make this game playable? And i'm not stating the bugs and glitches. But what i mean is to make it easier... As it was before i had a REALLY hard time to find weapons. And now you lower the spawns even more? like wtf.. Instead of making the game harder and harder so its completely unplayable. Make so servers can change the spawnrates and such. I want higher spawnrates of items. I want to be able to find them better. Highlight them as WarZ does. Actually do everything WarZ does. But don't do the shit that makes the game shit. Because i really love the part of zombie survival game. But i want to play cacual and not having to fucking be on my edge and waste so much time finding stuff. I want to jump in. Spawn. Go to a fire station and find a m4 or just a handgun with ammo. And then i'm good to go. Not waste 1-2 hours running from waay up from electro to balota to find nothing than cans of food and rotten oranges..