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About ivernk

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Stary Sobor thinking of you.
  • Interests
    Writing, reading, anime and gaming in that order.

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  • Bio
    Casual gamer born in Denmark, the small growth on top of Germany. Currently pretty busy trying to write a book. Speaks English fluently without strong accent, have microphone. Able to play Monday to Thursday+ Saturday from 20.00(GMT+1) Friday from around 14.00 to 18.00 and after 20.00, and Sunday whenever. Haven’t played the mod, but have seen most of FRANKIEonPCin1080p videos on YouTube and understand the new healing system. Looking for other casual people to play whit, don’t mind newbies or veterans as long as they aren’t too serious.
  1. ivernk

    New player questions

    You can't choose your map, there is only one. You can see the map her http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus, press shift tap and choose web side to bring up steam bowser. You should probably also watch this and explains eating, drinking and healing.
  2. ivernk

    dayz movement presets dont work

    Fix whit morphine or sticks + rags to make split
  3. ivernk

    dayz movement presets dont work

    Your leg is broken.
  4. ivernk

    Long Range Scope (Standalone)

    It spawns in barracks and hangars, but is extremely rare. So the chances of finding one is not all that great. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Long_Range_Scope
  5. Sometimes the shock value only exceeds the blood value by very little, and there for you can recover fast. An example is when you get punched in the face, most of the time you recover in less than five seconds.
  6. ivernk

    300 Round Box Question

    It’s a bug that you can stack m4 rounds in 60 stacks. But you can also store other round in the ammo box such as 7.62x51mm whist only stacks in 20 stacks or .45acp round whist stack in forty. So you will be able to store 400 round of .45acp when the fix the m4 ammo bug. The 300 round ammo box will continue to be able to hold all ammo, and the 300 round limit will only applies when you fill it whit m4 rounds.
  7. ivernk

    Leaving new server immediately

    Could you give some more information.
  8. ivernk

    Anyone have some answers?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGxHTXbaoohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGxHTXbaoo Hope this explains it.
  9. ivernk

    Stop with the Grayscale

    I assume that you are actually colour blind, and not just talking about the effect of blood loss in game. If I am right in that assumption I thing you should contact the developers and make them aware of your problem to so they can fix it whit the full release. I would though advise patience as colour blindness, though a serious issue, whist the developers should try to ahead to, is an issue that afflicts a minority if the world population, and there for might be fixed later than some of the other issues. I sincerely hope that this problem will be resolved so that you can enjoy the game as well.
  10. ivernk

    Anyone have some answers?

    If you are confused as to the statuses I could post a link to an explanation.
  11. ivernk

    Anyone have some answers?

    The epipen only helps someone recover from shock, a kind of damage separate from blood and health. An example being if you punching a guy in the face, it would cause him to be knocked out for a short period of time, or until he was given a epipen. If the patient has lost a lot of blood he would be unable to be woken before having received a transfusion of blood or saline.
  12. ivernk

    Magnum Jam ?

    I gun might be broken. Not sure though as I haven’t found a broken weapon since the previous patch.
  13. ivernk

    Loot Near Cherno Military Base

    After the latest update no gear is spawned in tents. There has been several treats discussing this, and for further information I would refer you to those.
  14. There are school buildings whist could be for any level, also in some smaller town there are wooden dock whist in the real would be used for private ships, such as fishing boats and yacht.
  15. ivernk

    Battery packs

    I can see where you are coming from, but I don’t think batteries should be stackable in any way. I have tried to run out of battery power in the dead of night, and that was annoying as fuck, but you rarely need more than two or three batteries. I fell that inventory management in a important part of the game, and part of that in choosing to leave stuff behind hoping you won’t need it, and some time finding out you did need it. I also fell that it adds a degree of excitement to the game that you don’t carry near infinite battery power whit you. Of course you are welcome to disagree whit my opinion, as I have yours.