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Everything posted by BaseLine^

  1. BaseLine^

    Mouse Movement

    Thanks for that fast answers ;)
  2. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Got my beans! Back to Topic.
  3. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    It's definitly a fail patch! Common, cuz of that flamers and fanboy whiners they pushed a total unfinished Version into stable. I don't complain about the devs its cuz of that whiners and the devs listen to.
  4. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Well, that maybe work with something else like homework or something like that. The problem is if they totaly would focus on it no1 could say it for sure they will find it. It could also take month to figure it and then the community would flame like hell why no new update is comming :/ My opinion, i can be wrong :P And btw you made my day with "mother and Oma" -> grandma :) Peace xD
  5. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Well, I understand your standing, but the Problem is that: If this wall glitches would be so easy to fix don't you think they already fixed it? Other point are the whiners, as someone said before they always want new stuff and then the deves give it to them and just cause bigger problems like before. It's sad thats atm unplayable but they definitly focus the main problems, but i guess they aren't that easy to fix as some people think. The biggest problems are to figure out what causes that glitches or rubberbandings etc. pp. Anyways in my opinion the devs do a great job but they shouldn't listen to that fanboys and whiners and do there job as they think its right. If a patch isnt ready they shouldnt put it into the Stable branche. Peace.
  6. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Seriously, what's your problem? Just leave this Forum and stop flame like a childish 12 years old boy. Armes Deutschland, du spiegelst es einfach was dem Land fehlt. Pour Germany you represend what's missing in germany.
  7. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    So it's the Hardcore Hive which works smooth i guess. Hopefully the regular Hive will work that well soon too.
  8. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I try Hardcore right now on Stable. I have to say it is running smoth like shit atm. No lags, no session lost.
  9. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Same here. Don't want to log in and be Dead after 2min of ultra lag^^
  10. BaseLine^

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    So I'm downloading the Update right now. Just wanna hear it again, is it possible to play or is it same like in the experimental one day ago?
  11. BaseLine^

    Can't join server with friend from same Ip.

    Got the same Problem. The soulution doesen't work for us. We can log in together, but no1 of us can do anyting. We tryed all ports etc. pp. any other suggestion?
  12. BaseLine^

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Omg! I hope it's not -.- //edit could we get some infos about that? is that real? ...
  13. BaseLine^

    Hacker caught teleporting

    I agree. I recorded one who's killing my Friend! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJxg-ZLWsLQ
  14. BaseLine^

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    To all of you, its true that in cities are lower FPS then in the woods or somewhere. But, I still got 50+ FPS in cities. I'll add you a site, after i did this my FPS went sometmes over 100 ;) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216291078#-1
  15. any news about the FPS drop? ;)
  16. BaseLine^

    How I Fixed FPS

    This solution only worked for 10min for me :/
  17. BaseLine^

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    I hoped it will work for me, but as many others already said, after ~15min playing it's so laggy that im scared of getting killed by a zombie :P
  18. I definitly agree with you. I saw him playing and just thought uff...seems so he got nearly no clue where to find stuff and where it's nearly impossible to find something :p anyways, great job can't wait untill the 12th. ;))
  19. Kids shouldn't play the game either ;) and btw. don't cry us a river.
  20. Impossible how fast you add and fix. Amazing <3
  21. I think if you join a Server and you get "kicked" it shouldn't be the same as if you left by urself. (Time to conect to the server)
  22. haha +1 You made my early day xD!!!
  23. thanks, but I still don't get it xD I think I will find it out by myself if this patch is in stable :)^^
  24. I'll just got a question what this sentences exectly mean. >> Login: Players receive a login timeout when disconnect, increased if disconnect within 30 minutes of joining (max 5 minutes) If I join a server: (stay 20minutes in it). Have to go to toilet and log out then I'll haven't to wait 30 minutes until I can join directly right? :p keep up the great work! it's awesome ;)