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Everything posted by Tarenola

  1. Tarenola

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    I lost count of how many. Me and my friends normaly stay in big citys since we are looking for some action.(There is not much else to do...) I think that it's about 5-7 kills per evening(about 4h). I only shoot geared up guys, not trusting anyone with a weapon who isn't my friend(had to much bad exp.). So hm.. let's see, about 90h played so far. You can calculate that, right?
  2. Tarenola

    Is There A Story To Day Z?

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168707-the-ccsd-chernarian-creepy-stuff-department-needs-investigators-for-the-radio-transmission-mystery/ If you are interessted.
  3. Tarenola

    Blood Test Kits In Med Bags.

    Not everyone, but many people do know yes.
  4. Tarenola

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    It is only a "cheat" if the person using it was playing hardcore RP. It is not a cheat for anyone else. You can call it a cheat if you were using it but don't go around calling everybody cheaters if they happen to use it. That is just forcing others to play your style of gameplay while there are so many different styles. But if your purpose is to reduce the whole game to only one style without any different colours, then please leave this place and go play something else. Thank you in advance.
  5. Tarenola

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    There is no "fix" and there will never be one, because it's not a "problem" that needs a fix in the first place. If you wanna play the "lone wolf" type of character, feel free to do so. If you wanna go full on RP and imagine yourself in a chrisis, feel free to do so. If you enjoy playing as a social person, feel free to do so. If you only want to have fun playing with your friends, feel free to do so. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the special tihng about DayZ that the Devs only gave us tools and let us do what ever we wanted with it? I don't see any "problem" with using 3rd-party VoIP software, espacialy since the ingame function is just not working. So keep on talking about a "solution" for a non existing "problem".
  6. Tarenola

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    It seems to me that you are looking at it at an roleplaying perspective. Yes you can't telepathicly talk to other people, but people like to play with friends. I am one of those that ONLY plays with his friends because I can't be bothered playing any game alone. Imagine playing with your friends. You log into the same server. You spawn. One spawns in Elektro, one in Berezino and one in Novy. You don't know where your friends spawned and you can't comunicate with them in anyway or form, cause they are to far apart. Now that would be realistic. BUT. Think even one stop deeper into this "realism". You are friends. Maybe you lived in the same village in Chernarus. Maybe you shipwracked together. If you think like that, then why does one spawn Elektro, one Berezino and one Novy? I see what you mean and I can understand you, but right know there is no system to support RL friends. I mean you could only use Skype, or Teamspeak to find each other and then go on with the ingame voice. But even than I don't remember sounding like I am talking inside a bathroom and talking extremly quit. I will maybe use the ingame walkys but even than, I wanna have fun playing. I wanna talk about the last party I had or how stupid my boss is to my friends. And I won't use the walkys then cause I don't got a backpack full of batteries. A lot of posts in this forum are SO much about realism that I kind of have to wonder if some people are even playing this GAME for fun or if they wished a real zombie apocalypse would brake out.
  7. Tarenola

    Well THAT was new...

    So 2 friends and myself were comeing down Elektro from the north. I was overwatching Elektro with my mosin and the other 2 went to the north firestation the check for loot. While they were fighting 1 guy dow there I noticed a squad of 3 armed guys moving on the top of the sniper hill. So I opened fire seeing as none of them had a scope to even be able to see me. So they started running around trying to avoid my bullets. After about 10 shot the game of my friend as well as mine just crashed to the desktop, at the same time that is. They logged in on another Server cause hey, it was kind of strange. I followed them and what do I see. A naked guy standing at the beach of Berenzino. It is times like this when I could just go to steam and delete the whole thing from my hdd. I am the onlyone with these momemts? Did anyone else experience a simiular situation?