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About CmPos

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. CmPos

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Awesome video, have beans for linking. It sucks that there are so many SOS assholes in this game, but on the other hand, they give heroes something to do. So in a weird way, I am glad for them. They make the game more interesting by acting as living objectives.
  2. CmPos

    We met in Berezino. We departed in Berezino.

    A tragic illustration of just how important it is that this rubberbanding issue gets fixed immediately. This is the single worst bug in the game right now, it makes it frustrating and ruins a lot of things.
  3. I was hoping this was an official thing that would show us svetloyarsk. I am disappointed.
  4. Man I can't wait to play with this patch. I wish it would hurry up and come. You'd think it would be ok if there was a bug in the experimental release, isn't that kind of the point of not just putting it straight on stable?
  5. Well thanks. I had seen that it was delayed and was supposed to be out 3 hours ago according to my source. This information was super hard to find, but from now on I'll try Rocket's twitter. Thanks again.
  6. Everything I've read says to simply go into steam and opt into the Experimental - Preview Testing Version under betas and then you will patch into the experimental. However, I have done this repeatedly and it does not work. Steam does not download anything, and when I go into the game I am still on the stable build. I have tried several times with the same resutls every time. I even verified the game cache while opted in and nothing works. What am I doing wrong? Is there a beta access code I need to enter or something? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. CmPos

    Panic Logging...

    Agreed. This should be a top priority. Rocket wants to make the game less shoot on sight centric, but when players can combat log instantly, that's all there is to it. You can't hold people up, handcuff them, or basically interact in any way because 9 times out of 10 other players just log out. The trend is being set now, and that trend is reversion to good ol' shoot on sight anarchy like the mod was. Combat logging is helping to ensure this. I think the best fix would be to have combat detection, like the mod eventually had, and if a player logs out while in combat, their body is still visible and interactable for 30 seconds or more, and the player is unable to join new servers in this time. That way combat logging will be pointless as you will die and lose your stuff anyway.