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Chili Bowl King

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Everything posted by Chili Bowl King

  1. Chili Bowl King

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I need help to see how my desktop does! AMD phenom x4 9850 1080p Nvidia evga gtx 460 4gb @ 1066mhz Can you also tell me what quality I would have to play and what my average fps would be. Thank you
  2. Chili Bowl King

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Desktop 1080p AMD phenom x4 9850 Nvidia gtx 460 4gb @ 1066mhz Please help me I'm just bought a pc and I need to know if these stats are good and can you give me a rough estimate of the quality I'll have to play at as well as fps. Thank you