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Posts posted by Teho

  1. Hi all!

    I just recently bought myself a wheel and pedals and I've been having a blast with it! It just feels so real, like driving a real car. Then I noticed new patch notes for Dayz and thought to myself: Wouldn't it be the coolest thing ever to be able to do this in Dayz?

  2. Can't do that. You can however carry a gun on shoulder - that being said, you are in fact able to carry two primary weapons, sawed shotgun, magnum and fx45, that's total of 5 "long range" weapons!

    ie. m4a1 on shoulder and mosin in hands. Of course when doing this, every time you place something in your hands, you are dropping the weapon on ground.

  3. Being friendly is hard in this game and you should be aware of it by now.

    Ie. I was helping new spawns yesterday, giving them food and drink, medical supplies and weapons.

    All of them instanly threw their hands in the air shouting don't shoot - like they just waited for me to kill them. Others ran away shouting "Stay away I don't trust you!"

    It lasted almost 10 minutes until a guy who I gave a gun shot me with it.

    Of course I knew someone would betray me, that's just how the game is - you can't trust people.

  4. from what i understand, if you spawn on the coast - don't move, alt+f4 or kill task and try again with a different server.

    From what i read from rocket, the issue is not with the game but with servers not having the right configuration but i don't know the status of fixing it.


    I can confirm this- tho alt+f4 is not necessery. Just hit exit and try another server.

  5. Hi all,


    just have to tell you that I experienced the weirdest thing. I logged in first time after new patch and when I joined in, I wasn't even near the place I logged out two days ago and I didn't have the same equipment. After browsing my gear for a while I realized this was indeed one of my old characters that I "lost" during logout few weeks ago! Although I'm happy to see him again, I find this all very strange.



  6. Hi there fellow survivors!

    I've been giving some thought to combat logging and came up with an idea. Let me demonstrate!

    example 1.


    1) Player wants to exit. Game checks there are no other players in said radius (500m or so). 15 sec timer counts to zero and you are free to leave.


    example 2. 


    1) Player wants to exit. Game checks there are 3 players within said radius. 

    2) Game prompts to player:  "Are you sure you want to exit, there are players nearby".

    3) If check yes, the game sends message to nearby members stating: "Player XXX wants to exit. Grant permission?"
    3) Now if everyone gives permission, player gets 15 sec timer to exit. If even one of nearby players declines permission, game informs the player who wants to exit "Permission denied. Find a safer spot!"


    What do you think?

