While the game itself is already turning out great even so early in Alpha, I find the fairly random placement of miscellaneous items downright annoying. I'm a sucker for small details, so whenever I see something somewhere I wouldn't ordinarily find it, it just rubs me the wrong way. Sometimes I'll end up going into a house somewhere and find rotten fruit and soda cans strewn about everywhere randomly. I personally would love to see things like having fruit placed in a basket on the kitchen counter or canned food and drink in the cabinets or refrigerator, rather than in a bookshelf or under the coffee table. Same problem with weapons, I find fire axes all the time in the construction sites, but never once have I seen one in the firestation. Even the smallest of items can be found in the most random of places; I once found handcuffs in a schoolhouse, a bloody schoolhouse! Now why in the world would there be handcuffs in a school? Even if the spawn-rates for items like these were changed to be slightly more along this realistic side, with a lowered chance for certain loot spawning outside its real life location and a simple reposition of some smaller things, I think it would go a fair way towards making everything feel more real. Also, as an added concern to keep your gear in tip-top shape, I would find it quite fun if when clothes and backpacks get damaged or ruined to have a small chance of having items fall out. Say if you had a badly damaged mountain pack from a run-in with a zombie, have it possible for you to drop things by accident while running around looking for a replacement. I personally would find that pretty cool.