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Everything posted by Delta426

  1. Delta426

    Crafting a ghillie suit

    Pretty simple, just like in real life. Well, close enough: Burlap sack -> tear into strips = burlap strips (brown) x3 Burlap strips + spray can = different colour burlap strips Burlap strips + shirt = ghillie suit top Burlap strips + pants(trousers) = ghillie suit bottom Burlap strips + hat = ghillie suit hood Could also craft a cover for a backpack, or wraps for a rifle
  2. EVEN BETTER! Have people spawn Thor style! Huge beam of light and a tornado visible for miles, followed by a mild earthquake. Perfect combat logging solution, we can all stop worrying about this now. I will await my Nobel prize while this is implemented.
  3. Delta426

    Extension Packs

    Why can't I downvote this?
  4. Delta426

    Molotov cocktails

    Because why not, seriously? Not only is great for burninating the countryside, but also makes a great zombie magnet at night.
  5. Delta426

    tactical hand signals

    This would be useful, but all the squads use private teamspeak anyway.
  6. I worded the title that way specifically so people don't think this is another NVGs suggestion. If implemented this mechanic would make night time play a lot more intense, give you more survival options for night time encounters etc. I'll try to keep this short, here goes. It takes a human eye time to adjust to seeing in the dark. Turn off the lights in your room at night. First, everything is pitch black after a few minutes you begin to recognize shapes and eventually you reach a level of clarity where you can navigate the surroundings. Now lets run through some gameplay scenarios. 1. You are looting buildings at night, you can't have your light on all the time because you fear being shot. As long as you're not exposed to light, you see somewhat clearly. If you shine your flashlight to check something out, depending on how long it was on, it will take you some time to recover your vision. 2. Shine a light at someone's face at night, their screen goes white and pitch black for a while after you stop blinding them.
  7. Delta426

    New update, loot spawns changed

    Hey, it's Mattias! Anyway, yeah no loot in tents. Nobody picks those clean ever at all. If you find better handguards you drop yours, those tents were never empty. I don't see how this would solve server hopping? Instead of hopping from tent to tent, you now just hop from barrack to barack.
  8. Not suggesting you start playing as a zombie, but rather your corpse and all the gear that was on it at time of death, starts wandering around looking for brains.
  9. Delta426

    Don't publish additions or changes in updates

    People seem to be forgetting what alpha means. The game at this state is not meant to be satisfactory or enjoyable. You are not a customer who has the right to be disappointed or dissatisfied in any way. All of our jobs right now are bug finding and mechanics testing. The only way the devs find out that spray painting a Mosin breaks it, is if 1000s of people do it. Because of those 1000s maybe 3 will take the time to report it. So yes everyone must know everything all the time so that these issues can surface.
  10. Delta426

    Killed by zombies = become a zombie

    The argument has taken a left turn into zombie physiology and lore territory. The game is in alpha, if this is a feature players want and the devs can implement, then lore can be rewritten. Anyone remember Tali? If this breaks the game or immersion for the majority of the players that's a different story.
  11. Delta426

    Weapon Maintenance

    Plus you have to worry about losing your firing pin retaining pin, then your M4 won't work. I'n an apocalypse I'm not cleaning any AR family weapon.
  12. Delta426

    Crafting a ghillie suit

    All the suggestions I have found were about finding a rare full one in military bases, or making one out of foliage.