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About kryphon

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    Wednesbury, West Midlands, ENGLAND
  • Interests
    Producing, Gaming, College, Girlfriend time......... (PFFT)
  1. kryphon

    Boots over Bullets

    Weird idea after watching "The Road" How about this idea! Once your boots become ruined, you character animation would start to limp, due to the boots having no sole and your walking bare feet? This could result in 'Blistered Feet' which may lead to infections or something like that! Limping Animation Idea? (well something similar) Credit to 'Doc ock rokc' on the facepunch forums for the GIF Another alternate of fixing this may be that you might be able to construct a pair of 'Wooden Crutches' to help you recover Just an idea I thought would give the game a huge realistic boost! You could simply hold hostage a new spawn just for his shoes, please let me know what you think of this!
  2. kryphon


    @SmashT Thanks for that buddy!
  3. kryphon


    I am genius! We can stop combat loggers! If we work together and spread this around! You can not log out if a zombie/player is within a certain range, but the thing is that hopefully that the new zombie increase update is soon then add this feauture because people may just try to log out to find if players are near, so that's why I said "zombie/player". I think its a good idea :) anyone else think it is or want to add to this?
  4. kryphon

    Tranquilliser Ammo.

    I think a great feature for the game would be Tranquilliser Ammo, it would be great if you could make use of the wooden sticks you find, maybe use a knife you make them into darts and add some kind of substance to make them into Tranquilliser Darts, maybe add to a rifle? Or even an actual blow dart pipe? I think this would be a great addon to the game, maybe it could prevent combat logging, once Tranquillised you are unable to log out, once hit with the Tranquilliser you slowly become unconcious, possibly captured and dragged across the floor and be hand cuffed to a tree, another great idea ;) but yeah what do you think?
  5. kryphon

    Drinking/eating methods?

    Not sure if anyone else had said this but i reckon they should add methods of eating and drinking into the game such as slowly, normal and rush, slowly can not be heard an rush can possibly make you sick. For example so if you were sneaking around an area trying to stay hidden and all of a sudden your stomach rumbles, you then eat your can of beans slowly to avoid other players knowing you are in the area. Another example, you are in an active area trying to run and avoid everyone and then you become really thirsty, you get to cover and rush a bottle of water that is loud and you alert players, you run and escape into a safe area, then all of sudden you become sick due to rushing your food/drinks Im sure you know where i am going with this, Do you agree that this is a good suggestion or not?
  6. kryphon

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    I love it! (Scooter is an piaggio nrg 50 js)