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About NevilleR

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. NevilleR

    Dissapointed new player

    Unfortunately with the servers only spawning loot upon a reboot there are a couple of tricks you can use to help get yourself kitted up. For myself, I choose freshly rebooted servers with low population count to help maximize my chances of finding equipment. I spawned at Berezino and quickly zipped around and got pretty much all the basics (clothes, backpack, medkit, axe, shotgun and a few rounds for it. Once I left Berezino I went directly for the NE Airfield and found a few more items (Magnum, ammo, magazines, tac vest, etc), then I booked it west and hit the other military areas and nabbed an M4, accessories, hunting pack, boots, and some other fun stuff. Along the way I avoided a couple of fully kitted up guys that were running tandem and I just had "that" feeling about them. Ran across another guy in a mc helmet, pack and no visible weapons but was focused on getting west so let him stumble around a town. There IS loot to be had but as the game is Alpha, there will be constant changes. No doubt we'll all have to adjust our strategies over and over again as changes and updates are introduced to the game. Hope that helps. Cheers!
  2. NevilleR

    Faith in DayZ players restored

    I had two totally different encounters last night. First one I ran across a guy and we basically entered a little town square at the same time. We both took cover and both of us indicated we weren't looking g for a fight but would defend ourselves. After a laugh I said that if he had something to trade I had some rounds for the Mosin he was carrying. As it turns out he had some 5.56 for my M4. We worked out a trade, and went along our merry way. Second encounter not so good. I was skirting a small town when I see this guy with an axe crouch running towards me. I told him to stop. He didn't so I dropped him and moved on. I try to avoid other players as much as possible unless I feel I can help them then will make the offer but always from cover and with me in control. I was making my way to the coast to see if I could help some fresh folks but I may check up on that if the general consensus is that a fully kitted mil spec player will be KoS. I will see if I can help or give aid somewhere else. Cheers!
  3. Hi TMW gents, I filled out your online form at your forums and I'll be popping onto your TS server late this afternoon/early evening Mountain Standard Time. Thanks again for offering such a great service. *EDIT* Sorry I was not able to get online tonight. Friends very sick dog took priority and I spent the afternoon and evening in a pet hospital. I will get on this week in TS in your "Help Needed" channel. *2nd EDIT* After seeing all the "character wiped" comments I logged in and yep wiped so as a rest I will no longer need medical help. Thanks very much for the offered service though. Cheers!
  4. NevilleR

    New spawns!... Slow the $£%! down

    But common sense isn't so common.
  5. NevilleR

    Had no idea I was in the wrong.

    I too am new and read this topic and went "uh oh" as I've jumped out of night servers and primarily stick to daytime servers with low player counts so I can gear up in relative peace (already been nuked a few times but no biggie). I also tend to jump out of a server if I'm getting the "No message received" warning as I figure I'm about to disco anyway. Not sure if that is a bad thing or not. Fun game so far but I can certainly see where some folks exploit the mechanics and what not to get a piece of equipment, sad but not much you can do except hope that karma gets them. Cheers!
  6. NevilleR

    Helping is nice....

    Hi, I just started playing DayZ on Saturday evening but I wanted to applaud you folks that risk everything to help out new players. I have died several times now but I did have the opportunity to help a player that was even less equipped than me and fortunately everything went well. Regardless of how things turn out for me equipment/game wise, I can see myself going down the same path of helping others. So don't get too frustrated when things don't go as planned and remember there are plenty of players that appreciate what you all do. Cheers!