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Liquid Man

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About Liquid Man

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Good one! Hahah ^^ I will make an army against canibals :) We will burn them alive!
  2. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Probably you are right, people may act like this because there is not that much in the game yet. I am not gonna insult anyone as it is not the point. I cannot really understand why I became the ignorant while I am trying to argue almost every single sentence with resonable, at least in my opinion arguments. I said a few times already, I did not force anyone to play any different style than they like. I just asked to put in the gameplay they create by themselves a bit more effort insted of just pulling the trigger. I also keep fingers crossed for DayZ in the future and I hope that it will become a really great game. It just needs some time :)
  3. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Well, that's why I'm gonna play on private servers as fast as they will appear. To avoid for example your stupidity :)
  4. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    That's why I will look forward to play on a serious RP server in the future insted of playing on public ones. I had very similar situation where me and my friend started once again from the beginning. We were in Electro in the hospital and I had a mosin without any ammunition + backpack and an axe, however my friend didn't find that much good stuff and he didn't even have the backpack. I just noticed someone in one of the longer corridors where you can find some useful stuff including mosin. He had a backpack and I had handcuffs, so my idea at this moment was to make this guy surrender. Then I wanted to handcuff him and look into his backpack with the idea of taking the whole backpack for my friend as he didn't have any yet. Then I would leave this guy free but as he just heard ''hands up'' he ninja quit the game. Do you know how this guy got in the hospital while not being seen by me earlier on ? He was randomly switching servers on a purpose of loot. This is unbelievable from my perspective. There should be some kind of single player for such people, so they can gather as much loot as they can handle in peace and without any risk of meeting a living human and playing some interesting and exciting scenes. It's just more fun to have full backpack and quit the game when there is someone nearby. I cannot understand. I just can't understand for what purpose those people bought this game. For quitting the game in action, they should re-buy this game or get banned forever. At least in my honest opinion.
  5. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Indeed. Once again, I have nothing more to add. You just know the pain, when you want to do something more creative or you just simply expect some creativity from other players. Just love this part: ''a good way to get rid of the D-bags that swim the waters of public servers. and my god there are a lot of them. like an army of mutants whose brains haven't evolved to the point of morals or common sense.'' When I read this, I just felt connection between us :P Good Luck to you as well :)
  6. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    I am pretty sure, that when they add more stuff and mechanics, more zombies, body temerature where you will have to make a campfire at night to don't die from the cold and still risk because someone will easily spot where you are, so you will have to better find a good place till the night comes. Also things like better melee combat and much more.. I have really big hopes :)
  7. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Agreed. It is still a fantasy movie made on guesses of people who makes this movie. A real zombie apocalypse never had its place and people can only think of how they would act but the reality could be absolutely different. You are 200% right :)
  8. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    I have nothing more to add. You are another rare person who understands my way of thinking and that's just great :)
  9. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Makes sense. I will even watch this movie today. Thanks for your ideas and great post :) Well, I think that it can be most likely to see more people Role Playing when this game will be more polished. For now, I think I will take the role of a hunter of other hunters/bandits and rescue others if possible :) Also, exploring the map to have better understanding of the most populated areas and military bases. I really appreciated, that you explained everything insted of flaming and you even understand my concept of the whole thread.
  10. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    No one said about removing 95% of the bandits, read my replay to ''MuddyRaccoon'' just right above. Hopefully you will understand my point of view.
  11. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    It's not a complain. What for are the forums ? If my thread annoys you, then why do you even bother ? I wanted to have a short talk with other people playing this game and see their opinions about the level of role playing people put into this game. Posts like yours really annoys me because I spent some time to write everything I wanted in the proper order, then you come here and write to me that I cry about getting killed. If you do so, then you don't have any idea of what I wrote in this thread from the very beginning. It's not the fact of getting killed and losing my gear which annoys me. It's THE WAY people do it, whcih gives me a headache. I don't really care about the damn items which I can get in 40 minutes of playing. If most of the people as you say, want to play their own way then that's fantastic! But their way of playing and what they do in this game is just over the top. It's not one or two guys who just randomly shoot to everyone or some idiots running with axes and killing newbies or even other people begging to kill them because they want to respawn nearby big cities. Most of the people don't play ''different'' as they play exactly the same. What I wanted is to give some fresh breath at DayZ and put into this game some action insted of one shooting each other. That's why I wrote about role playing and you don't have to explain me what is alpha as most of the games nowadays are in alpha. Selling unfinished products is just something normal these days and I got it, alright ? It's good if there are bandits and you never know what you can expect from a stranger. Being careful is absolutely fine in this kind of game but being careful, doesn't mean to just become a bandit like everyone else and shoot everyone without a word, only on a purpose of ''I have to defend myself''. If you don't understad my point, then I don't think so if there are words in humans language, which may help me to explain everything better.
  12. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    I have never been saying how people should play. The replay you just quoted was to a guy who said, that he wants to have some intense shooting experience in DayZ after 6 hours of work. Because of his ''hard work'' everyone should not even appear as He is going to shoot everyone on his sight because he is simply too tired to do anything else. I can understand, if someone is tired and I know this type of people who comes back from work, then join teamspeak, tells everyone how hard day he had today, while playing some game. I do not really like this kind of people and I keep away from them, however my arguments are justified. It's just misunderstanding as I proposed him to better play some shooters, which should satisfy him more than DayZ where everyone who is playing this game, should put a little bit more of themselves than just being a killing machine and saying ''I have to defend myself'' as someone before me already wrote.
  13. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Yeah. That's what I will probably do in the future. And agreed. ''I have to defend myself'' which couses to kill everyone on my sight is just... :huh:
  14. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Well, I hope that we will never meet in game :)
  15. Liquid Man

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    Yes, some people I think hates me here but ^^ I can resist them! Well, let's be a bit more serious. It's great there are more people who feels like me. Some of the people think, that I am running on the middle of a road and jumping like a bunny with hope of not getting killed. They are extremely wrong about me but what can I say... I gave them a few examples of my deaths and I gave the arguments of why I don't like it. If they don't understand, then I can't help them to achive this. Thank You for your invite and I will consider it! Much appreciated!