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Alloy (DayZ)

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About Alloy (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Alloy (DayZ)

    A list of ideas

    What I mean by natural immunity is your ability to recover on your own (without the need of other supplys).
  2. Alloy (DayZ)

    A list of ideas

    Keep everything unnecessarily hard? You eat a rotten kiwi and in thirty minutes your dead.
  3. Alloy (DayZ)

    A list of ideas

    Optional simple control scheme (Shift for running & crouch is toggable through Ctrl) You can apply pressure to flesh wounds with your hands (you can also stop the wound from opening by crouching/proning and not moving) You should have a natural immunity towards food poisoning and occasionally contract a life threatining one. Break cans open by rubbing them on an abrasive surface (perhaps possible by detecting what textures the player is around) You can eat grass but it can induce bad health (not the ideal nutrious food that people would want) Rather than immediently becoming unconcious, you can tap a key to stay awake (if this continues for an extensive amount of time the player will lower himself to the ground) If a zombie is attacked in the legs they'll kneel to the ground You can throw blood transfusion packs at zombies to mislead them, or get zombies to attack other zombies (if it splatters) You should be able to survive for much longer periods without food (at least 3 days) during this period, you are more prone to sickness, have decreased stamina duration, and decreased accuracy with guns( perhaps more sway ) Zombies will follow fresh blood trails Zomibies have their own deterioration times (during this time they lose the ability sprint and hit as fast until they die by detioration.\ Flare guns with multipe colored flares More character sounds usch as grumbling (these should be sounds that don't interrupt the players dialog, yelling ow and other such sounds would be awkward while the player talks) Zombies should build up around a house that has it's door(s) closed (this should allow for more survival situations and it wont be cheap unless loot spawns while the player is in there)