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Monkeyman (DayZ)

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About Monkeyman (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Monkeyman (DayZ)

    Server Nukes dont matter

    Its not about being attached to gear/items. Its about fair play, being out played by someone else on a level playing field or not playing well enough and dieing to Zeds, hell even dieing to a glitch or bug in Arma2 or with the Dayz mod is fair enough, alpha and all that. Dieing because i logged onto a server and through no other action i took is just fucking lame and a waste of time. Those of you that think people are pissed because they lost gear need to get their head out their ass! Its about fair play and consequences of their actions while playing. Not just because they logged in.
  2. Monkeyman (DayZ)

    TX4 Hackers (Names and Evidence Included)

    Carrying only a good primary and the rest shit when out to kill in a high trafic'ed area by people that are geared is tactical. Take a gun you can kill with and room to loot the poor sod. Even if he had recently spawned he could have run to a tent/camp grabbed a gun and headed out again. Not everyone runs around Mak bean war'in it up for 2-3 hours to get every possible bit of crap then head out to maybe loose it all 10mins later. Max gain min loss for time and effort, Risk reward system in play. Less to loose less risk taken. He is maybe playing the odds better than you. Learn to deal with it, there are many meta styles of play in this mod. As far as going to the NW AF and getting shot at, erm have you played more than a day. You know that anyone north on Cherno is Kill On Sight unless wearing the same clan tags and on comms with you right? Or maybe you are just that new and dont know that the barracks and heli crashes are the only two places to find exotic military weapons/gear. So knowing that now maybe under stand that people will go there and will KOS. Just to take your shit or the shit you might have picked up or to stop you taking shit they want to pick up. OK move along school is over.
  3. Monkeyman (DayZ)

    Got launched into the air and fell to my death

    Also happened to me. lost a day 5 char, M4A1 CCO SD, M9SD, DMR, 24 slot pack, Range Finder, NVG, GPS. Not to mention the basic gear. the items listed are rare that i gained form killing one ghosting bandit, trading, clan donation, scavenging and raiding the NW airfield barracks. Hours of game time lost due to a "hacker" and not my own stupid fault. Well maybe it was my fault for even logging in. Fuck this, waste of my time when they do nothing to stop them. Will not be playing Dayz. Nice job greifers you just killed a game.
  4. Monkeyman (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Would have liked to see running of scripts to exploit/hack/grief disabled more than anything else.
  5. Monkeyman (DayZ)

    Hacker Server hoping!

    Day 5 char, rolling about up North about to go pick up clan members and resupply with ammo etc. Ported into the air, managed to disconnect before hitting ground, logged into a different server and finished falling. Died. Last few days i have seen inventory deletes, mass kills, spawned none Dayz items and vehicles inc Heli on servers that dont have them enabled yet and now this. No announcements, no roll backs, no help moving chars. If i die to zeds or players or falling off a rock or even an issue with the glitchy engine or just some bug in alpha that i can live with and accept. But this exploiting script running griefing just killed the game for me. I am done, thats enough. Lack of support or direct action is intolerable. This is to hacked to be playable, its just not worth anyones time.
  6. Monkeyman (DayZ)

    Got launched into the air and fell to my death

    Just happened on NY25. Everyone ported 300m into the air and fell to thier deaths. I was in a Offroad at the time and was ported out. I managed to disconnect before i hit the floor, I think i did. I am now not wanting to log in and will have to request a char move so i dont fall to my death and loose everything thats taken 5 days alive to gather. All because greifing unloved idiots can still run scripts.