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Everything posted by fleshnipper

  1. fleshnipper

    Leaving traps for people :)

    Spray it with disinfectant spray first!
  2. fleshnipper

    What song best represent ts DayZ's intended atmosphere?

    Anthrax: fight em' till you can't. Ultimate zombie apocalypse song. Try it!
  3. I was thinking that once grenades are implemented that maybe you could combine one with a rope to make a tripwire trap you could set in doorways for defense. And if another player notices said tip wire he/she could press v to step over it then disarm it while looking at the grenade. What do you guys think?
  4. fleshnipper

    Hiding Bodies Mechanic Is Currently Very Unrealistic

    I agree let us drag them metal gear solid style!
  5. fleshnipper

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    ^^^ It happens 99% of the time for a reason. In a real zombie apocalypse I would trust about 1% of the world not to shoot me in the back, take my food and survive longer. Think about it........
  6. fleshnipper

    Building a house from scratch (like rust)

    ^^^^ I told you they want minecraft!
  7. fleshnipper

    Crazy Sh*t to do in the future.

    Considering they are infected and not true zombies you would have to handcuff them and put a sack on their head and the you need a rope to guide them as cutting out their jaws and arms would kill them wouldn't it? Done in this way I think it would be cool.
  8. fleshnipper

    Group PvE end game

    After extensive searching I found a solution to your problem. I will give you a hint: It rhymes with rest for Jed.
  9. fleshnipper

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    Why so much effort into destroying the best thing about dayz. Did anyone stop to actually consider how boring the game would be without pvp and bandits? I wouldn't play it very long and I bet you wouldn't either. The fun of the game is when your heart is racing because you see a group of bandits near your house and your praying they pass by or your in an intense standoff/ fire fight. One of my favorite things to do is to try and outfox a stubborn, skilled sniper. Tired of k.o.s, then stay the hell out of the open, try and think strategically and expect snipers everywhere and before ya know it you will be catching them by surprise. Then if your still feeling friendly disarm them and give them a hug.
  10. fleshnipper

    Counter the brightness at night time

    Valadain had it right! The only solution would be to not let the game render anything more that a certain distance away. Gamma problem solved.
  11. fleshnipper

    Building a house from scratch (like rust)

    I personally think that boarding windows and maybe reinforcing doors should be it. Would you honestly be renovating your house in the midst of the zombie apocalypse? I think not. Come to think of it, unless gardening (no thats not a suggestion!) is implemented building a fortress and staying there would be pretty stupid as local supplies would eventually run out. Why do you people want to change this game into minecraft?
  12. fleshnipper

    New Sniping

    Thanks for the video, didn't even know I had to deploy bi-pod.... much appreciated
  13. fleshnipper

    Medical Minigames & More

    Dragging a screwdriver over to remove a bullet would be ok, I like the bullet in wound concept, it would be ok if it happened randomly and took a bit longer to patch up that way, i'm also all for getting an infection if bullet not removed. I stop playing most games that have stupid minigames and quick time button pressing lameness after an hour. Please keep these kind of things out of dayz! Number 6 sounds like your leaning toward fps style classes, not appropriate in this game and that kind of realism would strip some fun out of the game. Also how do we know a person is a real doctor? should the dayz server contact the medical board when he registers? I am all for your chemistry idea though, chlorine bombs ftw!
  14. fleshnipper

    Pain and broken leg indicators

    Whats cryptic about the existing broken leg indicator? Not being able to walk is a pretty good indication your leg is n.f.g. and the fact that you were bleeding profusely and had to bandage the wound before seeing gray seems pretty strait forward to me. At least they tell you your bleeding!
  15. fleshnipper

    Having babies

    ^^^^^ Or whinning about KOSers!!!
  16. fleshnipper

    Loot temples (irradiated zones)

    When did I say ghouls and mutants Helicopter hunter? Really constructive comment dumbass.
  17. I think nudity would be fun, pee maybe, poo is too far. To some previous posts if nudity bothers you but graphic violence doesn't it's time to re-evaluate your principals. I wanna strip nude, carry a shot gun, and tell people to "suck my boom stick" Ash style. Ya... good times.
  18. fleshnipper

    Sleeping suggestion

    If we want a true survival sim sleep should be mandatory and as you get tired your character should slow. Maybe you could sleep in game or logged out (as npc still in game) but in game would regenerate you faster (to avoid chronic boredom). I think this would work better than some "bonus" for logging off with an increased risk to yourself. This is also a nice fix for snipers logging out on rooftops and such. I say Give us some cool sleeping bags to find and craft and make the beds in town usable (if you are really brave) and this would feel alot more like a sim. On a side note blood should very (very, very, did I mention very?) slowly regenerate with food, water and time like real life not just because you had a nap alone.
  19. fleshnipper

    Counter the brightness at night time

    How can you people say this isn't even a problem? The point of a night server is to play at night, not to play with the eyesight of a horse. I like the flare idea and maybe we could use a rag, stick and matches to make a torch? Also it would be cool to have night vision goggles that blind you if you look at a light source such as a torch temporarily to keep things balanced.
  20. fleshnipper

    Loot temples (irradiated zones)

    I don't really like the idea but as for the stuff being irradiated, use some imagination! Couldn't they include a radiation decontamination foam or something. It may be an ok idea if the radiation suit was very rare and spawned randomly, making it a sort of "holy grail" type item you would always aspire to find. I have to also say that if there were an irradiated zone (being in russia) it should be an abandon nuclear plant. Just my $0.02 worth.
  21. fleshnipper


    Great idea, but please make it super rare! The bigger backpacks are too common i.m.o.
  22. fleshnipper

    I am a sniper now!

    Why hate on him for playing the game his way? The game is essentially a pvp game at this point. If you think it's about looting with your friends then you have a greater boredom resilience than me. I can find everything good I need in a couple of hours..... Then what? you go shoot other people, that's what. It's not like zombies are a threat yet. If you want to socialize go play the sims. I say keep sniping bud, I enjoyed reading about it. The developer didn't include long range scopes for running and gunning, and if people don't like it they should be more cautious or avoid army bases and high pop areas. Also if people feel that they are better than you for using fpp (i only play hardcore before you hate on me) they should get therapy for there small penis issues and get over it.