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About biolol

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  1. biolol

    Idea for a new map

    Reposting this, noticed it was deleted when the forums were switching over. Alright, so I was thinking about DayZ and how fun/exhilarating it is to be in Cherno or Elektro due to the huge number of zombies, lootable buildings, and the probably of turning the corner and walking by someone. How about a map that is a huge city, an example of what I mean would be something like Grand Theft Auto kind of set up, but the size of Cheranus. The outskirts of the city would be suburbs, and the inner city would be industrial/corporate. It could also be based on an island, similarly to Manhattan in New York, but of course any bridges leading to the main land are blown up. But perhaps something can be done where players can reach the mainland via a boat to reach military bases set up outside the island to attempt to contain the infection. There are a lot of things that you could do with an environment like this, including making a subway system underground that players can explore, all the way up to 100 floor skyscrapers crawling with the undead interns that used to make up it's existence. Here's a quick mop-up of what I'm trying to explain here (Sorry I'm not an artist) http://i.imgur.com/bnuj9.png The first image would be the outside area The second image would be the subway system if it were to be implemented, as rocket has said, he is looking to implement underground play. I believe an urban environment on this scale, would be a thrilling addition to DayZ, and I'm sure people will agree. Post made on Reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/wayuq/my_idea_for_a_new_map_that_would_fit_dayz/
  2. The server you joined isn't
  3. biolol

    Idea for a new map

    Good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks this should happen!
  4. biolol

    Idea for a new map

    Alright, so I was thinking about DayZ and how fun/exhilarating it is to be in Cherno or Elektro due to the huge number of zombies, lootable buildings, and the probability of turning the corner and walking into someone. How about a map that is a huge city, an example of what I mean would be something like Grand Theft Auto kind of set up, but the size of Cheranus. The outskirts of the city would be suburbs, and the inner city would be industrial/corporate. It could also be based on an island, similarly to Manhattan in New York, but of course any bridges leading to the main land are blown up. But perhaps something can be done where players can reach the mainland via a boat to reach military bases set up outside the island to attempt to contain the infection. There are a lot of things that you could do with an environment like this, including making a subway system underground that players can explore, all the way up to 100 floor skyscrapers crawling with the undead interns that used to make up it's existence. Here's a quick mop-up of what I'm trying to explain here (Sorry I'm not an artist) http://i.imgur.com/bnuj9.png The first image would be the outside area The second image would be the subway system if it were to be implemented, as rocket has said, he is looking to implement underground play. I believe an urban environment on this scale, would be a thrilling addition to DayZ, and I'm sure people will agree.
  5. biolol

    Remove suppressed weapons

    A slight point i want to throw out ehre, there is a major difference between supressors and silencers. A supressor is something anyone can buy, it masks the muzzle flash of the gun, the sound is not dampened at all, although it amy distort the noise slightly A silencer is a military grade component that is very difficult to find, it hides the muzzle flash and dampens the sounds, keyword, dampens. I've heard a gun with a silencer shot before, it's still fucking loud. The major difference is how far away it can be heard from. I just found an M4A3 CCO SD myself, but I have yet to shoot it.
  6. biolol

    Crows fly in the general area of bandits

    That's incredibly stupid, bandits shouldn't be crippled because they killed someone, the word bandit shouldn't even exist. Unless you witnessed the killing, or heard of them killing someone, you have no possible way to know that they murdered someone.
  7. biolol

    Some realistic RPG Elements

    Are you even reading, I clearly said these things should be slight increases, there's always someone that is more skilled than you. These changes wouldnt be massive, you're not going to see some guy running 40KM/h because he's been running for 4 days straight. Say the average running speed for a male is 19 km/h, someone who does a lot more running will be able to run somewhere near 22 km/h. These aren't things that you gain fast eitehr, this would ahve to be built up over days of gameplay.
  8. biolol

    Smell Effect

    I agree about the smoke thing, but everything else, no. Last time I checked you can't smell water. And it should be fairly obvious if tehre are dead zombies around you, you dont need to see an icon telling you.
  9. Okay, so lets think for a moment. Right now everyone in the game uses a base character. But every character has the same exact "stats". But in the real world, some people are better at thing compared to others because they train. Where we are right now is everyone has the same training and experience, which isn't realistic. Im not saying to make these stats game breakers, but reward players who train that gives a slight advantage. Here's my ideas as far as these stats go; Running : Just like people who run track, they're going to be faster and able to run longer than your average joe. Stealth : People who are used to sneaking around are better at being quiet, because they're done it before. Nerve : When people haveto kill something for the first time, they react to it. Being able to just kill people is something you have to get used to, perhaps you're character just freak outs (like when there you have low blood) heavy breathing, difficulty standing, etc. Shooting : Someone shooting for the first time versus some veteran who has been shooting for years, obviously the veteran has an advantage. This would have to be used in moderation to ensure balance Reloading : Reloading is something that takes time and practice to become fast at, if you mess up in a stressful situation, you'regoing to drop your magazine and probably die. As far as the game goes, practice makes perfect Guns in general : You shouldnt just be able to switch between a shotgun and a M24 and be a master at them. Each gun you need to learn, it's compeltely new to shoot a new gun. The more time you spend shooting it, the more you know how to use it. These are the things off the top of my head, Im sure there's more that the players can think of. Remember, these are just general ideas for an RPG like system, in most of the text assume I was talking about real life unless I specify the game.