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About Road-Kill21

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  1. Road-Kill21

    Taxi Anyone? I can pay for expenses!

    You're in luck, it's still where I left it. Let me know where you want to meet up and where you are going.
  2. Road-Kill21

    Taxi Anyone? I can pay for expenses!

    If my ATV is still where I hid it I can help you. Checking now.
  3. Road-Kill21

    Release the standalone already

    Troll thread created by the same guy who thinks we should spawn with an AS50.
  4. Road-Kill21

    WTT Mk48 Mod 0

    Skype contact request sent. My time zone is GMT-7 so it might be a trick setting up a meet.
  5. Road-Kill21

    WTT Mk48 Mod 0

    I don't have use for such a loud weapon. I'm a solo survivor and want to keep things nice and quiet.
  6. Road-Kill21

    WTT Mk48 Mod 0

    I currently have a Mk48 Mod 0 and 4 drums of ammo that I am looking to trade. Looking for: M4A1 Camo SD w/ammo or SVD Camo w/ammo or MP5SD6 w/ammo or NVG & GPS If you have any of the above listed and are interested contact me here or via PM.
  7. Road-Kill21

    pack bag and tents

    Sometimes the server requires a restart to have your stored equipment reappear... or it got stolen... or the server sometimes gets hungry and eats random gear.
  8. Road-Kill21

    PSA: Do not wear alternative clothing in!

    Clothing bug in 1.7.2? That means naked time! :P
  9. I've been stuck in the Debug plains a few times myself. If you have a compass, run due South-East for about 2km. It will take you about an hour or so, depending on where the server places you, but you will eventually make it back. Took me 1 hour, 12min, 3 canteens of water and 3 cooked meat to make the trip. The real question you have to ask yourself is if the gear you have is worth the effort.
  10. Got hit by a random Zed charging me once. One hit took off about 400 blood, caused me to bleed, broke my legs, put me into shock, and I passed out shortly after killing him. Boss Walker perhaps? :P
  11. Road-Kill21

    Unluckiest Thing That Happened To You?

    Working my way to the International Airfield. In the distance I hear a gunshot, not at me but a few hundred meters off to the north. I decide to climb the watchtowers that are spread out along the border of the field. Climb all the way to the top and the "exit ladder" animation pushes me off the tower. I fall, break my legs, get knocked unconscious, and start bleeding. I wait out the timer, get up, start bandaging myself, and pass out a 2nd time mid-bandage. Wake up again, finally bandage myself with about 600 blood left. No morphine so I crawl to the nearby barracks in the hopes of finding some form of help. Make it to the barracks, slowly clearing each room, no morphine. On my way out I get shot in the back by someone who logged in behind me. Only saving grace was I lived just long enough to see the place get overwhelmed by all the Walkers I bypassed. I lost all my gear but at least so did my attacker. :P
  12. Road-Kill21

    Zombies vs Stealth

    Probably just a bug or lag. Had a few like this before, seemingly random Zed agro, a few times while immobile for about 3-4min with zero Audio/Visible rating around 100m away. The real odd one was a time I was looking down on Cherno from the north ridgeline one day and saw a Zed at max range, little blip near a building. Pull out my bino's and zoom in on him, he stops, looks straight at me, and makes a mad dash in my general direction. I figured someone in town got too close or fired a round... so I sat and watched. The Zed ran... and ran... out of town and up the hill right up to my face. Shot him and ran like hell away but made for a great laugh later.
  13. Road-Kill21

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Thank you very much. :D