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Everything posted by UnderWoods
Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002
UnderWoods replied to rocket's topic in News & Announcements
I can't wait for a year from now when many of the people who say "Relax it's early Alpha" finally realize that their hopes and dreams are misguided. I sincerely hope I am wrong. I really enjoy the game and would like to see it succeed, but I am getting a strong feeling that we are all going to be disappointed. -
Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002
UnderWoods replied to rocket's topic in News & Announcements
I believe Orthodox is the main religion in Russia, but I am not 100% on that. I am a non-practicing Russian Orthodox. Taken from Google: Orthodox Christianity is Russia's largest religion with 75% of the population belonging to the Orthodox Christian denomination. Islam is professed by 5% of the population. Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism and Buddhism are professed by 1% of the population each. -
My first week playing I was also in Polana. Ran into the building with the roll up door and agro'd a zombie from behind the building. It came through the wall inside the building where i was standing, proceeded out the rolled up door and into the building across the street. I was like "my lucky day." Turned around to loot and the damn thing was standing behind me the whole time just standing there. I swear I shit my pants a little that night. I killed it and had to take a moment to regain myself.
[HUGE][Cracking DayZ open] What should you expect, and PROOF.
UnderWoods replied to res's topic in General Discussion
That truck driving really is some of the creepiest shit ive seen in a long time. Yikes. -
My only complaint with the timer is this. When you log out, you go to the server screen but your character remains in game sitting there for about 30 seconds. I like this, but I think it should be changed so that when you are logging out and you're sitting there, you remain in game and in control of your character. As it is now, you're vulnerable and can be killed without even being on the server. I'd like to see them make it so that you character sits down and you get a prompt on the screen letting you know that you are logging out. Any movement you make will cancel the logout. So you have ot remain still. What it does is make it so that in the random chance someone happens upon you in that 30 seconds you can defend yourself.
I've never run into an issue with logging out, but I could see the potential of issues arising as the game adds more and more content. Sure making sure the area is secure and safe before you leave is prudant, but there's is always that chance that something could happen. Anyway, it was just a suggestion. Thanks for your feedback.
^^This. Worst video ever. Please NEVER post again. That was just god awful.
That's a....That's a special kind of something or other right there.
A few nights ago a group of us decided to give Berenzino a look since we hadn't been there in some time. Sitting outside the North Western section we can hear multiple shots ringing out. Clearly a Mosin, also an M4 and what sounded like and SKS. My group of 3 was outfitted with me (SKS w/scope), friend 1 with M4, and friend 2 with a Mosin and a LRS. We figured we'd head for the apartments by the grocery store and see what we could see. We make it to the 4th floor of the apartments. We have M4 cover the stairs while Mosin takes one of the far rooms and I take the other. That night Berenzino was like a warzone. So many shots being fired from all around us. Problem was we couldn't see where they were coming from. A short while later I can see two guys running down the road towards the store. We get ready. They head in to the store just as another "bambi like" player heads in from the backside. I say bambi like because he had only a fire extinguisher on his back. Within seconds, shots in the store. Bambi is dead. At this point we figure we've got bandits. Sure enough they head into our apartment building. M4 covers the stairs and I step back to cover the hallway leading across the top of the stairs. Mosin pulls out his .357 and covers the hallway facing back towards me, but cant see me. Fisrt guy rounds the first set of stairs leading up to us and our M4 friend lets loose. One guy dead. From down stairs the other guy comes over comms and says "I'm not in the mood for this today man." Our M4 responds with "then you better leave." He doesn't nstead he creeps the stairs and manages to wound our M4 guy. I tell our M4 guy to slide to the right in to cover and bandage. Bandit comes to the top of the stairs to finish off friend 1 and is met with 2 rounds from my SKS. You'd think there was a bikini party on the 4th floor that night. People just kept coming and coming and coming. Eventually our M4 friend was killed as was Friend 2. I managed to kill off the rest of the people coming up that night. Slowly worked my way out of the building while killing 2 Bambi's that were trying to punch me to death (assumed they were reincarnated versions of the bandits we killed). I made it to cover outside Berenzino in the woods and had to log for work the next day. I started that night with about 125 SKS rounds and ended the night with 18. I had a blast night. We all did even though they died. I guess my only question out of this is, what posses people to make those horrible decisions. The first guy died while coming to the 4th floor, why in gods name would the 2nd guy announce himself and then try to push up to our level? There's no loot in those building (that ive ever seen) and he was at a tacticle disadvantage. If that were me, I would have left and been happy I survived. The only think I can think of is that only our M4 guy talked direct comms to the guys downstairs. Perhaps they assumed he was alone. Well thats my story. Hope you enjoyed it. In all there were at least 7-10 bodies at the top of those stairs.
My only regret is not screen shotting the aftermath. :(
That's a valid point. Regardless, I don't need to know a lot about urban tactics to know that when my friend dies trying to go up the stairs, I'm not going to follow. Maybe it's the bandit mentality. Must kill everything at all costs.
6 coordinated people in a server vs a few people playing solo... I rate 0/10 You want to make that more interesting. Take you 6 bandits against an equally adept team of survivors or heros on comms or in a LAN like you. You may still win, but at least it would be a lot more interesting.
I've been playing for about a month, maybe a little more. I died the first day a few times to really stupid things, as many of us have. My current character had been alive for about a month. I stayed away from the larger towns (severe computer performance problems in big cities) and scavanged through many of the smaller towns. In my time I have began running with 2 other friends making my life much easier. Now for the lead up to my untimely demise. We were on a server that was heavily populated, and heading towards the small airfield close to Cherno. While my two friends were keeping watch (both with Mosins) I raided the barraks. I hear one of them say that they can see someone at the tech building across from the barraks, but he didnt appear to be armed. So I decided to circle over and make contact. Just as I head over I hear a Mosin shot ring out and one of my friends say "someone is shooting at me." I continue to cirlce over and now I'm being shot at. 3 or 4 shots close range. The unarmed guy in the building had a buddy keeping watch from behind the tech building. At this point I am 30 yards away from him as he is trying to shoot me. I que the mic and start yelling "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY." He missed me each time, and now we were in a Mexican standoff, both using 3rd party to peek the corner. We start a conversation, him telling me he doesn't belive I am friendly, followed by me telling him "well Im not the one shooting, even after you shot at me." Finally he agrred to put his gun away and step out. I did the same. We had our conversation, he said he didn't want anything, and just wanted to leave with his friend. About this time, one of the guys I run with says that the tech building doors just opened, floowed by, "he's got a gun out." I turn to the right and see the guy with his gun out. I reach for mine, and before I get it out, he opens fire, floowed by my snipers firing. He broke my legs right as one of my snipers took him down. While I am on the grond with broken legs my attention turns to the guy I was talking to. At this point he had pulled out a .357 and shot me. A month after creation....I was dead. Felt like sharing my story. I like the aspect of the game that allows me to talk with people and offer assistance if I can, but after last night, I feel like, if I see you, I'm shooting first.
Hard to believe that I have survived for so long, I can understand that, seeing that my friends have died to ladder bugs many times, as well as each being shot and killed multiple times. I assure you that the character was over a month old. Patches never restarted me, even after friends sayid they got restarted. I have no idea why. I am new yes. I wanted to get used to my surrondings and gain a fair understanding of game mechanics, before I ventured to higher populated servers. Was it boring? Hell yes. At times I was bored out of my mind, but most of the time we would just move from town to town scavenging for supplies.
Are you suggesting that there is only one way to play the game? That being, your way?
Good to know. Going forward, I'll be prepared and act accordingly.
That's the riskiest airfield to go to? None of us had played the mod, I had no idea that the place was that dangerous. To answer your question though. We were bored. Had had very little interaction with other players over the last week, and wanted to seek out people to interact with. I had an M4 no scope. I was in search of a scope for my M4, and another clip for it. The one I had was a 10 round clip.
What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*
UnderWoods replied to Flagella's topic in General Discussion
Hero You are the people that the DayZ community respect. Brave and courageous, you will stand up for that poor new spawn and give him your weapon if you had to. You don't kill people on sight, you tend to interact with the players you meet and help them out. You only ever engage in combat if you're being shot at. Survivor - 86% Bandit - 26% KOS'r - 15% -
Has anyone else had this problem? I will be playing the game for a couple hours. When I approach town drinking supplies and sometimes creeks or ponds, my game will crash to the desktop. After I return back to the game I'll be ok until I come to the next water supply. Has anyone seen this?
A quick google search of the actual error i am getting is telling me that it is related to me using windows XP.
Today I hopped in to a server, and played for about 5 minutes. I then received this message: You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Corrupted Memory #3) I tried joining a number of other servers and this is the same result. I get that message immediately. Suggestions? I played most last night with no issue. It only happened this morning. I've tried restarting Steam and the game. Neither worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Almost completely black screen? (Black and White)
UnderWoods replied to Junkyard Guard's topic in Troubleshooting
I had this same issue a few days ago. The fix was turning clouds back on, however, i did have one server where when i turned clouds on at night, i still couldnt see a darn thing. Does it matter if the moon is out or not? Actually is the moon ever not out? -
Here's my story. Last night I am playing with 2 other friends. After about 30 minutes we finally all meet up outside Dolina. I have an M4 and a .45. Friend #1 has a shotgun with only 2 rounds, Friend #2 has no weapons at all. We sacavange for a while trying to find him anything at all. Suddenly Friend #2 says that there is a guy over there with a yellow rain coat and an axe. I quickly run over and the guy appears to be minding his own business. So I leave him alone. After searching the entire town we find nothing for Friend 2 to use for defense. So he gets the idea of let's go take the other guy's axe. I figured why not. (Back story time. Both Friend 1 & 2 have been playing this game like BF3 thinking they can just run and gun it, only to have been killed multiple times each. At this point they were both fed up with dying.) Anyway, we run up on the raincoat wearing guy and Friend 2 starts telling him to stop moving or we'll need to kill you thinking he's not friendly. The guy eventually stops moving and Friend 2 tells him that we wont kill you if you drop your axe on the ground. Silence. He tells him again. Still nothing. So now Friend 2 tells him that he has 3 seconds to comply or the guy with the M4 (me) is going to shoot you. Friend 2 starts counting....1.....2....BLAM! Friend 1 blows him away with his shot gun. In doing so he scares the living hell out of me. When asked why he didnt wait till we got to 3 he replied, that the guy wasnt going to do it anyway. So whoever you are mystery man. I apologize for not giving you until the count of 3. If its any consulation, most of your things were ruined beause of Friend 1's actions. FYI I even suggested that we just handcuff you since I had a pair on me.
First interaction after a weeks gaming.
UnderWoods replied to UnderWoods's topic in New Player Discussion
Exactly! Those are all things I was thinking in my head while this was going down. I was prepared to move in and handcuff, but the shot rang out and it was over. I think their concern was that he was on comms with someone else or a group and telling them what was going on. Regardless, I do like playing the talk first, shoot if needed way better.