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About ronpritch1

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    On the Coast
  1. Good afternoon, I am new to forums and fairly new to the mod. I have been playing the standalone for quite some time and decided to explore the mod for Arma2 \ OA I have tryed seting up DayZ Mod 4 times and can never get a good experience....bad version or server rejections. My version never matches whats online. I am using Steam and DayZ Commander for installs and updates....and just have been unsuccessful to where is just frustrating. "Bad version" "Server Rejected Connection" I have followed several guides that have not led me to a successful install where I can join online games, I would post guides but I am not sure if links are allowed. Can someones please post an up to date guide or direct me to a good guide that will get me setup using Steam version of Arma 2 \ OA Sorry if this a mutliple post but i have tried everything without success. Thank you, Ron