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Everything posted by Bigtaff

  1. Bigtaff

    Good place for a stash `?

    Yep, it's actually a cove that goes up off the map but its all connected, found a couple of nice camps up there as well
  2. Bigtaff


    Check the wet , blue-ish stuff you might one or two there.
  3. Bigtaff

    Why are people playing this?

    There's a pretty steep learning curve to this game, agreed. My advice is ask in the new player forum and check out youtube tutorials. Plus don't feed the trolls... they bite
  4. Bigtaff

    Weapon Cleaning System

    Would be a great addition IMO
  5. Bigtaff

    Remove high-tech tactical devices

    The damage isnt the issue, finding snipers and or targets in the bushes is whats overpowered. As for never seeing one, from killing a couple of bandits and two crashed heli's we've had five in our possesion.
  6. Bigtaff

    Remove high-tech tactical devices

    I feel the L85 should be taken out, its way over powered. People need to rely on themselves and not toys to do the dirty work. Also this is not a butthurt response to getting the wrong end of one, several guys in my team have them, I just think they are too much.
  7. Bigtaff

    To the CQF clan

    Umm they are trash but they still killed you? Says a lot about you perhaps??
  8. Bigtaff


    Check your video settings and tweak them. You can disable shadows for example and that helps, just play with the options and see what helps
  9. I heard that there will be some way of identifying bandits soon, something along the lines of blood covered hands (literal and metaphorical) that will fade over time.
  10. No to human NPC type enemies. NPC bandit camps to raid?? Grow some balls and raid a legit one. Yes to wildlife (wolves , bears etc)
  11. Since the hoarding off the map has been fixed, it's not a big deal to find vehicles. Just get off into the quieter parts of the map and you'll be amazed what you find.
  12. Its not a lack of practice they suffer from, its laziness
  13. This game is about the experience not the "epic lootz". If the epic gear is all that motivates you I would suggest you find a different game
  14. Bigtaff

    zombie health

    Zombies are now a threat :)
  15. Bigtaff

    Camo Tarps For Vehicles

    Really good idea, extra beans
  16. Bigtaff

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Just my 2 cents, updated, 3-4 shots for revolver kill. 1 shot with M16a2
  17. Bigtaff

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    Which servers do you play on? I would be happy to demonstrate proper sniping technique, I'll even give you a headstart
  18. Bigtaff

    Becoming a Goat

    Sorry but I saw the title and just had to butt in ....
  19. Bigtaff


    War Z is coming soon, you will be ok
  20. Bigtaff

    DayZ Standalone confirmed??

    At the risk of this already having been mentioned, ARMA 3 has a release date of early 2013 last I heard. Rocket has been talking of a DAY Z standalone around the September time. Again I may have missed updated info on release dates but those are the last ones I heard
  21. Bigtaff

    Just So Everyone Knows (end game)

    Rocket has said "endgame" will be factions fighting each other. Base building is the first step.