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Everything posted by xsangyhix

  1. xsangyhix

    My two first deaths, Typical or neigh?

    I guess being killed by a player is a pretty typical death. First time I played I got beaten to death with a crowbar from behind by a sneaky player. The second character is still living and military-equiped. Bought DayZ SA yesterday.
  2. Hi, I've bought ARMA2 and ARMA2 OA trough humble bundle and tryed to play DayZ. The problem is that when I join a server (simple DayZ) I get kicked after 1-2 minutes without any reason. My firend says that the reason showed in the chat is a problem with the signature of my mod files(dayz_anim.pbo, dayz_wapons.pbe etc. - each time a random one). Sometimes the server lets me play normally but its a 1 of 10 case. Can someone tell me how to fix this. I like this game is very much, too bad I spent equal amonut of time on playing and trying to fix the game.
  3. xsangyhix

    Getting kicked from server, help

    Thanks a lot : )
  4. xsangyhix

    Getting kicked from server, help

    What else do they come from then?
  5. xsangyhix

    How to Become a Bandit

    I killed 2 for my own protection or safety reasons and now I have a bandit looking skin. I dont mind people playing bandit but that really makes me wonder why did I got clasified so fast...
  6. xsangyhix

    Getting kicked from server, help

    So the signature problems come only from battleye?