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Everything posted by astrallycan

  1. astrallycan

    New DayZ version spotted (0.32.114555)

    They already said they are releasing one patch a month.
  2. astrallycan

    What should I use to record?

    Dxtory works best for me you can get it for free in the dark corners of the internet i lose about 2 fps. with fraps i lose 10 to 20.
  3. astrallycan

    $300 PC Build work for Dayz?

    All i did was trade someone my tiny asus aspire quad core dektop for a dell inspiron desktop that's dual core and put a 60$ 2gb graphics card in and 80$ 8gb of ram and i had 50+ fps in towns before this last update. so i only spent 140$ to run it perfect.
  4. The new Experimental patch says it has a 'DayZServer.exe support for sub hives.' but i can't find it did they not add it? I was hoping to start a private server today.
  5. astrallycan

    $300 PC Build work for Dayz?

    I had a 400$ pc and it hardly ran Gmod lol so no. you might get 8 fps.
  6. astrallycan

    Fps lag after update?

    The new update made me go from 50-40 fps in elektro to 30-20 has it made anyone else have bad framerates? Also on the menu the fps goes crazy from 60 all the way to 30..
  7. astrallycan

    Fps lag after update?

    Same thing for me its playable just really annoying. it drops in frames real fast too making it skip. That started after this update before it was smooth as butter.
  8. astrallycan

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    I guess i will just uninstall it until they release the server files it sucks that both Rust and Dayz use so much internet they are both unplayable for me :/
  9. astrallycan

    FPS Boost (Thank you Developers)

    Lucky dog i have to put it to the lowest resolution after this update i was playing at 100% with 50+ fps in towns now i get 30 or so on the lowest resolution..
  10. astrallycan

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    Yeah the only way i can play if from local servers or if one was hosted in my state.. i really hope they release the server files soon..
  11. astrallycan

    game unplayable after patching to the new version

    turn your clouds on if you have clouds disabled you cant see at night.
  12. astrallycan

    Fps lag after update?

    Is that good or bad? i see it as bad xD im used to 100 and up on most games.
  13. astrallycan

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    I spawned with a character that died 3 days ago i am jesus! but really wtf is this o.o
  14. astrallycan

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    That's what i figured is there a chance the server.exe will be released with the official build later this week?
  15. I got in its not worth playing you spawn and get punched in the face xD and for some reason everyone was on global chat screaming..
  16. I managed to get on the server with 0 people but after a minute of trying to fist fight people i lost connection to the session :/ now the 0 people servers are gone!
  17. astrallycan

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    Yup i guess they meant there is support for private servers now. not that they are releasing them :/
  18. I pay 70$ for this shit its all i get out here in the boonies xD i get 1mbps but share with alot of people. its some radio internet crap.
  19. If i could murder my internet i would!
  20. Damn 400mb this is going to take like an hour to download! but atleast finally its out :D
  21. astrallycan

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    It was released for a few hours then they reset it.
  22. astrallycan

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    That's the first thing i tried nothing happened.