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Everything posted by Jorict

  1. Jorict

    Banned for Intimidation.

    I lol'd. When was race involved in this?
  2. Jorict

    Cammo netting for tents

    Not just for tents but for vehicles too. That'd be awesome.
  3. We got it on video :D
  4. Jorict

    probable hackers on seattle 34

    Will vouch for the possible DDoS/DoS, I was just walking around when the server completely went down without being Admin-restarted, and came back shortly after(shorter than a restart)
  5. Jorict

    Temp Remove Wire

    Find a toolbox. Remove. Problem solved.
  6. Jorict

    Don't punish bandits; reward survivors

    But what if someone else shoots at them, never hitting them, and the person being shot at kills the shooter. He then is marked as a bandit, even though in reality it was in his own defense. You're lowering his spawn chances because the other guy was a horrid shot.
  7. Jorict

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    This thread is implying everyone who has a long range weapon can effectively use it at distances greater than 300m.
  8. Jorict

    Bipods And Scope Zoom How To?

    The bipod goes down when you prone, as for the extra zoom, the M24 doesn't have that. You CAN zero for higher ranges, and there is also a chart somewhere explaining how to properly range targets with the scope and mildots. Also, don't shoot animals with your sniper. It's ammo isn't all the common :P
  9. We are currently screen shotting to send in as evidence. Edit: I'm an admin of Seattle 34, and Sakage is the owner.