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About Prophet36

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  1. What are you playing DayZ on? A calculator? And stop whining people about there not being any update to stable. If they launched it weeks ago with those serious bugs, you would be whining about how crappy buggy updates they launch... Sometimes I think there is no way to please DayZ's community, you just whine about anything.
  2. Prophet36

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    It's in experimental only for now.
  3. A little list from me: Mosin from 700m doesn't kill right away. Shot one guy to the leg, he survived, another shot to the chest, survived for about 2 seconds untill collapsing (can't say if he died). Mosin again: shooting in the leg from 2 meters didn't break it (I suppose it's random) and didn't kill. I also tried shooting a friend through wooden fence. I aimed for his chest, yet somehow he got broken leg, lost little blood / health (less than 50% I think). Friend got shot with SKS in the back 2 - 3 times, collapsed, but didn't die (managed to wake after about 10 minutes). Tests conducted on myself: shooting SKS in the leg from 2 meters broke it, I was left with about 20 - 30% of health. Shooting in the chest killed me instantly, no matter if I had any shirt / vest on. Magnum kills in one shot to the chest from about 10 - 20 meters (confirmed two kills). I was shot with B95 from 5 meters to the leg, survived with about 50% health. Took about 5 - 6 shots with M4 from 5 - 10 meters to render me uncounscious while having press vest. Hope it helps ; )
  4. Prophet36

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Emotes are done by animators and are easier to implement than tents / respawn / server optimization. So while programmers are doing what you and 80% of other kids want, animators / artists are doing their work and implement when done. Seriously, do you think that everyone should focus on something, that they may not have any experience on (like animators working with netcode, or such)?
  5. Prophet36

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Unless the devs notify us about any changes, they are still using same AI (so yeah, they ignore static obstacles).
  6. Prophet36

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Are you playing DayZ on a calculator? Dat fps...
  7. But there is fire mode selection for M4 - auto or semi, pressing T switches between (unfortunatelly you can't tell what mode is on, other than shooting of course). This also works with double-barrel shotgun - in this case, you either shoot one or both barrels (but doesn't work always somehow).
  8. Yeah, I thought so, but I haven't noticed it was called B95. Anyways, haven't seen that already textured render on the forums yet, so thanks!
  9. I'm guessing the 762 speedloader is for Mosin or SKS, but what is B95?
  10. Prophet36

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Probably because he had vest on and you can't have bubble goose jacket along with holster / vest.
  11. Restart Steam, should work properly now.
  12. Prophet36

    Recording Tip

    You can always use other programs to separate audio from video and then edit. No problem with that.
  13. If you paint empty CMAG with either color, it magically fills with ammo (basically, you can create 120 - 160 bullets with each spray paint).
  14. Prophet36

    What should I use to record?

    While this may be true, using ShadowPlay with Shadow option of 20 minutes gave me massive FPS drop spikes when entering cities, or whenever I turn / zoom in / make one step in those.
  15. Prophet36

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    My character was just fine when I joined Regular server, but weirdly enough I spawned in military base near Pavlovo. Well, I've been there a couple of days ago, but my equipment was yesterday's, as I left off (I only lost my Mosin though, M4 was just fine). When I joined Hardcore server, I spawned on the coast as a new character, which I assumed it would be, but when I joined another server I spawned somewhere inland (as a fresh spawn too). My guess is, my first Hardcore character didn't save yet (only played for about 1 - 2 minutes, just testing), but it was a little weird to spawn in such place. Unfortunatelly, during my play on that server I lost connection to it, presumed it was restarting, but from that time, I can't see any Hardcore servers except some 2 clan servers or something and all Experimental/Hardcore.