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Everything posted by hoopman130

  1. hoopman130

    Why snipers aren't going away

    AK 101 or 74 with the right attachments is just as effective, if not deadlier than a mosin from sniping ranges if you know how to use it right....and it can be silenced which the mosin currently can't I'm pretty sure. So although snipers will never be fully extinguished, you may see a change in loadout for the traditional sniper until the devs add more lethal snipers.
  2. hoopman130

    Missions and AI

    Title sums it up- is this something that the devs planned to put into the game, has anyone heard anything? IF they haven't planned on putting this in, is this something that the community likes or not? Without a centralized form of currency, the only way this could work would be by trying to overtake a group of AI with equipment varying based on the mission (EX: a group of civilian AI's traveling through a town would have mostly civilian level guns and maybe 1 military grade weapon and no military clothing or equipment). What are everyone's thoughts? Could this be put in now or this something that should wait until there are more guns/a central economy system? I personally think this would be a great add-on to this game, not only increasing playability but adding a little more danger, even if you purely play on low pop servers.
  3. hoopman130

    Missions and AI

    Yeah see I looked into that since once again I'm bored of looting PVP'ing and getting shot on sight constintly in your game. And since a bunch of my friends play Epoch i looked into that but I don't know which one to download so I'm stuck with "player interactions" in your game that involve bullets and t-bagging.
  4. hoopman130

    Missions and AI

    Yeah i guess right now I'm a little bored with the game cause there's not much to do besides loot and PVP. I can join a full server and not find anyone since I stay to mostly to smaller villages and towns to survive. So I would personally like an increase in player count per server.
  5. hoopman130

    thoughts on loot spawns / volume of drinking swigs

    I've found that eating certain foods really helps with hydration (more so than water). Soda also seems to help hydration, at least for my characters pretty well. foods like canned peaches, canned tuna and sardines and all the fresh fruits help really well with hydration.
  6. hoopman130

    No Active Servers/Players?

    I am updated to the newest stable version and went on to play today after having not played in about a month b/c I'm currently in university. When I went to find a server, the only server options showing up were experimental/unstable servers. Anyone having a similar problem or can elaborate on it? Thanks!
  7. So I've been looting in Stable for about a week now after not really playing for 2 weeks, and I noticed that it's impossible to find an M4 anywhere in the map where they used to be. It also seems that most long guns are frankly a PITA to find anywhere except at airfields, and even there its not much more besides the SKS. Anyone give me some advice as to where I can get my hands on the new AK, or possibly even a mosin or the the bolt action rifle? Cheers
  8. hoopman130

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    I too wish for random spawns, but as a long-time player of both the mod and the Standalone, I understand why we may never see this feature ever come to fruition. Simply put, there is currently very little to do in this game. It is getting better, but basically all there is to do is loot and kill people. That being said, I sincerely doubt that the devs want a player to spawn next to NWAF as a fresh spawn, get geared up, and go wreak havoc in a matter of minutes. Just my 2 cents. Cheers
  9. hoopman130

    New Updates

    Hey everybody! I haven't played in a bit due to some personal matters....is there anything new on the stable branch i should expect since 0.43.116251?
  10. I too have had the same problem in almost all the servers i play in
  11. hoopman130

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Note: I haven't read all 21 pages of comments so i don't know if some of this stuff has been said before Perma-pepper- can eat same pepper infinitely crossbows and bolts aren't spawning in civi areas really (looked through all houses, maybe just bad luck?) zombies can no longer be killed with melees, i have a fire ax on both characters and neither could kill one zombie. Multiple hits to head on all occasions less loot spawns in houses now (once again, could just be a bad luck thing) no new guns/weapons or even attachments which is disappointing some new clothes which is good hunting stands STILL not spawning anything, (that could be just bad luck) bolt quivers can only hold 5 bolts? should be able to hold at least 10-15 water and foliage textures are different than when i played before patch mouse movement is much too fast, and you can't change it even if you edit mouse sensitivity Binocs are also broken to the point where they don't serve any purpose Comments?
  12. hoopman130

    Where is Cherno?

    Okay so to start I'm going to throw some numbers your way: In the year 2013, this is how much it rained/snowed in Russia. Now if I recall correctly, Cherno is supposed to be in Russia or close to it (correct me if I'm wrong). I don't know if the devs plan on changing the weather system, but as of now it rains way too often. It's almost none stop rain. I'm not complaining/raging, just want to know if the devs plan on changing the system soon or if this is a permanent thing. Any accurate answers would be much appreciated! Thanks! Please don't comment with any such as "search bar" or any other irrelevant, non productive answer, Thanks!
  13. hoopman130

    Where is Cherno?

    You don't mind it now, but what happens when the effects actually have penalties?
  14. I think a major reason why KoS is so prevalent in this game is simply because the survival aspect isn't as intense yet. Zombies are a joke, food and water spawn everywhere (not complaining), and weather conditions have no effect on you. I think once there is more to do in the game regarding survival you will start to see clans, or as you put it "tribes". Oh and I'm 18.....never killed anyone in DayZ. SA or mod. I've robbed, KO'd, but never killed. I think if younger kids do kill a lot more it is simply b/c our generation has been raised on games like COD, Halo, GTA, Battlefield, and a whole slew of other shoot-em up games. Regards
  15. hoopman130

    More than one character

    I know that this is not a traditional thing for DayZ, but i would personally love it if you could access more than one character. I personally have a couple friends i play with, and my character is fully geared up. My computer lags a lot, and i would prefer not to risk losing all of my gear i have accumulated, so i personally feel it would make the game better if you were able to have more than one character. Comments?
  16. hoopman130


    Hey guys! Just a question on loots, I have a taloon backpack filled right now, and I personally have not seen a bigger backpack than that in probably a couple weeks. So I was wondering where I could acquire a mountain pack or possibly a hunting pack? Thanks!
  17. hoopman130


    Thanks man!
  18. hoopman130

    Un-poisoning yourself

    So about 5 minutes ago i ran into a bandit at elektro (I'm a fresh spawn). He then proceeds to shoot me knock me out. Then talks to me and bandages me up, gives me a saline bag, and handcuffs me. Him and his friend were very pleasant considering the circumstances, and as they were leaving the guys friend poisons me with that clear bottle of rubbing alcohol (i think?). I ran to the hospital and found 2 things of charcoal tabs, one 25% (damaged) and one 68% (damaged). I consumed all of them and my character is still deemed sick. Is there anything i can do or will my character just die a slow drawn out death?
  19. hoopman130

    Un-poisoning yourself

    Thanks guys!
  20. hoopman130

    Un-poisoning yourself

    so now i just have to ride out the gray screen and all the other symptoms of the illness?
  21. hoopman130

    Killing yourself

    So i was in the school in elektro and i glitched through a wall. no possible way to get out (believe me, I've been trying) and there appears to be no way out except death. So it got me thinking, why not have an option to kill yourself? not make it all bloody and gory, but just click a button in the menu you can bring up in game and you respawn? What do you guys think?
  22. hoopman130

    Killing yourself

    I was just doing it for probably 5 minutes, but i guess if its the only option i have i might as well keep doing it!
  23. hoopman130

    Killing yourself

    so they you're saying its fair for me to just sit in a glitched out room, slowly starving to death and not being able to actually play the game?
  24. hoopman130

    Guns - What Should Be Done?

    I know there are probably a hundred other topics on this but in my opinion, there should definitely be more civilian weapons in game. I know that right now guns aren't really a big issue, and i get that, but i feel that if there were more civilian-style weapons there would be less of a KOS mentality that so many people complain day in and day out about. These guns would obviously be much weaker than the military guns, and overall are much less a threat. This way, when you see someone with an M4, and you have a .22 caliber rifle, you may think twice before engaging that person. What do you guys think?
  25. As of right now, I don't think there is one viable use for a tool in the, aside from the hacksaw changing the full shotty to a sawed-off. Does anyone know what they plan to do with the tools in the future? If Rocket posted something (which I'm sure he did) please just put in a link. Thanks!