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Everything posted by en1mal

  1. en1mal

    Loading Screen Freeze

    Im not a friend of the fact that i loose my character in the progress.. but hey, rule #1, don't get attached to your gear..
  2. I'm not able to play since 3 weeks cause i'm stuck at the loading screen but why not, lets reset!
  3. en1mal

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    ..and neither not for me. But big thanks for your suggestions! Its always good to know that there are people in the community who actually care! So i'm stuck since 3 weeks. Running beta patch 444/ Once i spawned in the wilderness but couldn't move. So i guess my save is corrupted.. unfortunately. Cheers, Alex
  4. en1mal

    Stuck at Loading screen!!

    I'm stuck too since 2 weeks. But if you want them to reset your Character you should post this in the mainthread with your Playername + ID. ATM i'm waiting for my reset. Cheers
  5. en1mal

    *FIX* to stuck on loading screen!

    None of those solutions are solving my problem unfortunately.
  6. en1mal

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Spawned twice in the wilderness, now stuck at "Loading". Please reset my location. PlayerID: 10958662 Playername: Alex
  7. en1mal

    *FIX* to stuck on loading screen!

    Didn't work for me.
  8. I've tried everything, since 2 weeks i'm not able to play!
  9. en1mal

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Same here since 1.7.X
  10. en1mal

    Arma II 94103 is out...

    Im always stuck at "loading" since i updated to 94103...
  11. en1mal

    Where are the vehicle locations?

    I really would appreciate a screen :)
  12. en1mal

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    People should do an psychological douche test before playing. That would keep the servers clean.
  13. en1mal

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. Studio Developed. Kickstarter. Benefits(like the game itself) for Kickstart Supporter. Serious Rocket? Im concerned there arent that much hardcore gamer anymore, but i would be satisfied.
  14. en1mal

    European players, look here!

    Hi, im always searching for some allies, but after a few bad experiences im quite paranoid, because im 10+ hours alive and well equiped. Im just "Alex" ingame so if you see or read me just remind me of this forum post ;) Btw i have my own TS3 server.