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Posts posted by Miquinei

  1. Yeah, they've been talking about huge performance improvements both server side and player side in internal tests, so hopefully all should be great. Also, added Eugen's tweet to my first post, saying .57 should be out next week. :)


    I'm just hoping that we get .57 on experimental before it goes out on stable. Worried about the lack of external testing on it. :/

    Well, I am glad the game is moving forwards. I just want to enjoy DayZ at 60 fps stable and no desync, rest is optional to me. 



    Beizs gave good info above....


    Always keep in mind that there are many more months left of development as well.


    Unfortunately, performance issues will come and go throughout the process, especially early on.


    (Currently, some of the first iterations of new tech are causing massive performance issues and have caused them to stagger the update cycle to preserve some performance/playability for the stable branch.)


    And definitely keep reading.


    Status reports and the dev section of the forum have some great info and if you really want some "cutting edge" info try following the official Stable and Experimental threads.


    Worst case scenario, when something about the current state of DayZ troubles you, try taking a break, and playing something else until a new update maybe addresses the issue (as you are doing now).


    Also... why do you think DayZ "sold out"?


    Steam can certainly sell, upload, and host, many more clients.

    Well after the initial alhpa release, DayZ sold tons of copies. I don't know the exact figures and whether I am correct on this or not, but I figured those who wanted the game would have purchased it back then and there is maybe 20-50% of gamers to capture with full release - please correct me if I am wrong. 

  2. .57 should be coming out next Wednesday. It's being developed at the same rate, they just skipped the update last month. I feel like the updates are actually including more each time than in the past too, making it, overall, faster. But yeah. .57 next week, forget .56.

    Thanks! I hope that's the case and I'll have a good read. All I am waiting for to jump back in are major performance and network updates. 

  3. I've stopped playing DayZ a while ago because of its performance issues and optimization. But I've looked at and read all the patch notes that came out. They would normally come out every month but recently there are delays. Especially with 0.56, it's been almost two months with no patch on stable, what is going on with the project? Have devs decided that it's no longer profitable to release the game since it's already sold out?


    Can someone enlighten me please? Thanks!

    • Like 1

  4. Hello, is there any information out there about increasing player cap? I know devs tested different options and was wondering whether we are going to get them 60-80 man servers. Spawns are so spread out you rarely see any other survivors..

    and tbh that is the only thing that would make me play the alpha over Arma 3 Breaking Point.

    Thanks and sorry if doubled any posts or asking obvious questions, I searched through the forum and nothing.

  5. It would be okay if they werent intent on witteling down and taking away from the mod. every gun, every car, ever bit of functionality and option avilable in the mod should be in the SA. (DMR, NVGs, MK38 MOD-0, M249SAW) ALL in the MOD. and the work. HELIS in the MOD and they work. WITH GUNS, and thst fine. i shot down 2 in a VANILLA server TONIGHT. with the LMG looted from NWAF.


    The mod seems to embrace the idea that it took place in a formerly war-torn country where weapons are everywhere. SA seems to want us to think they all evaporated and go full on bare bones forest survival bear grylls edition. i can appreciate that perhaps some people like that, but i think the mod has more flavor as a result of it all being there bot no one aspect is pushed harder then the others down your throat.

    I dont agree. In the mod you have TONS of weapons laying around, it takes 2 minutes after spawn to have a firearm of some sort.. it is stupid and ridiculous. In DayZ it is more unforgiving when you die because it is harder to get your equipment - better DayZ experience, less CoD/BF

  6. I'm a United States citizen.  I have a messed up work/sleep schedule, so I usually only get to play nights.  That gives me so many opportunities to interact with our brothers from the old world (Europe).  These interactions gain me vast insight into our country's visibility to the "outside world" and, wouldn't you know it, our shortcomings seem to stick with them. 


    Somebody who spoke like KoS writes (unfortunately without the smilies) asked me why Americans thought that Ukraine was a part of Russia already.  Before I had to time to do the undesirable act of answering a question with another question (What the fuck are you talking about?), I was promptly shot next to some hostile sounding words.


    I was bound once by a chipper group of British teens who, upon hearing my American accent, laughed hysterically for an awkward amount of time.  Turns out they had an inside joke about the obesity problem in the USA, so they decided to handcuff me while they filled me in on the joke.  "So, you're fat, right?"  "C'mon, he must be fat, he is American after all.  Or, is it only the kids that are fat?"  More laughter, some heavy accented British Speak in which I couldn't make out everything, although I thought I caught the word punch, and a series of punches to the head and out I go:  Unconscious.  More THC-induced giggling, then "oy, you reckon we should revive him then force feed him all our food?"  I respawned.


    After sharing stories with some Italian guy, I told him about my recent connection to Europe. "Yeah, my grandpa actually met my grandma on the boat over to the US.  He was Irish, and she was Irish-Polish."  ..........a brief, but noticeable silence follows..........I assume he wants more. "I don't remember too much, but he would always say 'I love me wife with all me heart, but only the Irish half of her' and then he got angry when people laughed at what they thought was a joke."  ........more silence, this time painful.  He then proceeds to call me an ignorant Mick and a "Bog-Irish potato farmer."  I did't know I was being insulted until I Googled that later.  But after saying this, he stormed off indignantly and didn't kill me.  So thanks, and fuck you Italian guy who I won't use as my archetype for all Italians!

    I dont get it bro, you are saying that you play at night and Europe is ahead of America by like 6-8h depending on what coast you are on.

  7. I am rolling with a friend, after couple of hours looting and adventuring we got to Kamyshovo in search of any bandits.


    Spotted one guy, held him up.. turned out to be harmless adventurer like us. Said "bye, bye" got out of the warehouse and all of a sudden I hear multiple punches "unconscious", friend behind me shouted it was a fresh spawn, all of a sudden he disappears and and he's unconscious as well (in an instant) - obvious cheater. 


    Tried respawning.. well after 20 +/- respawns and 30 mins of killing myself I finally spawned into Kamyshovo, I can see the body but can't loot it.. loads of things on the floor but everything is ruined. Server was nearly empty as well..


    For a moment I was like F this game..


    Felt like sharing with the community that there are a lot of scrubs out there cheating. 

    • Like 1

  8. Hello,


    Just wanted to salute and congratulate everyone that challenge themselves in the game and don't just kill on sight like weak masses do. You guys got on another level and that's huge. 


    Trying to hold up and surrender armed players (especially in groups) is a very challenging task and those that are successful are the good ones. 


    What do you do when you surrender a somebody? 


    I ask them 3 questions. If they answer all correctly they get to live and let them go (without ammunition). For every incorrect answer they take one bullet to the knee. 


    Some of my questions: 


    What is 2 + 2 x 2

    What is the second largest country in terms of territory.

    What is heavier, one kilo of stone or one kilo of iron.

    I ask them to explain why astronauts "float" in space. 


    Out of maybe 10 hold up situations, one answered all correctly. 


    What's your way? 

    • Like 4

  9. I've been playing with a group of friends, and so far everyone we've encountered seems to KOS. Even new spawns are only friendly until they have a means to kill us. And why shouldn't they? We're all just walking piles of supplies and ammunition. At this point we've stopped attempting to be friendly to other players we come across, as there's too much risk involved.


    There needs to be something in place to motivate players to not just kill each other. And punishing players for killing is NOT the answer.


    The solution? Rewarding positive player interactions.


    Interactions like applying medical aid to wounded players, giving food and water to players in need, or simply trading supplies with one and other. All positive interactions between players.


    Eat enough food and your character is energized, drink enough water and your character is hydrated, help enough players and your character can enjoy a small benefit. Stop helping players, and your benefit will diminish. And any benefit could be added as a status or condition visually shown in the players inventory.


    Something simple like a TINY increase to the health pool, to negate part of the risk taken to actually interacting with another player. Or allowing the player to get SLIGHTLY closer to zombies without being noticed, allowing them to move through and loot towns a little safer. Maybe a FEW slots of extra inventory space, letting them carry an extra supply or two in case they come across someone else in need. The possibilities are endless.


    Whatever the execution, subtlety is key. The benefit gained can't be game breaking or overpowered, we don't want to 'buff' the good guys and 'nerf' the bad guys. The goal is to promote varied interactions between players, and the simplest way to do so is to make positive interactions between players directly beneficial.




    I tell you what mate.


    In my personal opinion your idea is the dumbest thing to be ever implement. This is not Battlefield 4, World of Warcraft or any other casual-friendly experience. 


    This is a RAW and true game concept from 90's, where developers never cared about satisfying masses but creating a game that they really wanted to create. 


    DayZ is meant to be a survival zombie apocalypse game and along with Dark Souls is the ONLY game that provides real "challenge" and "real gameplay" without any wheel carts for lazy gamers. This game is meant to be harsh and unforgiving, sure it can get you frustrated. I'd advise you to part with that old DayZ saying "If you got killed upon being seen, ensure you're not seen". 


    And that's all there is to it. If you want to help people, the game does allows you to help. Are you encouraged by the game? No but there's nothing wrong with it. 

  10. About the "paided" typo, I changed the title of the topic several times and didnt notice my mistake - still getting used to typing on a small tablet. Sorry to all that got butt hurt.

    About 'cemping like a fagit' even though I wrote that I was waiting there for 1h, I was actually down on the airfield 60% of the time stalking but missed my opportiunity as people either ran off or I lost them. Again typing from a tablet compounded by my lazy nature (...), my bad.

    Oh and I didnt log out at my post because people usually camp at this place and I rather not spawn next to them.

  11. After a while of playing as a civilia, I decided to go back to old school military play. I switched to HC and fully kitted up I was overwatching balota to spot hold up opportiunity. After 1h of waiting I decided to log, I was getting some hudge dsync at the time and decided to just run down the hill through the field get inside and call it a day. As I was cominng down my dsync eased and all of a sudden i hear "hello mate" coming from behind. I looked back and saw two armed guys.. I replied hello and turned around. Are you friendly? "Yea" both replied, one of them was a teen. They asked me to put my weapon down and so i did. I asked them if they need anything and they started speaking German and the youngster fired killing me in one shot.

    I was mad at myself that i didnt just run now that i think about it..

    but i must say dsync didnt help as i clearly couldnt see them and they did see me - i ran past them basically.

    Damn shame

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