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Everything posted by Miquinei

  1. Hello, Just now, after 15 minutes of stalking and best of my stealth play, two fully geared bandits managed to get away from my fists of justice by using the combat logging method (you log out as soon as you're being attacked or hold up etc. and there is no way to track you down). Either way here are mine suggestions on how to fix the problem: - If you want to exit the game, there is a 30 seconds countdown - while you wait you can't move, or have your weapon up etc. - You can't log out while you're restrained nor with pressed F2 or while you're sitting. If you quit the game with alt + F4 or disconnect your router, your character stays on the server for another 30 seconds. Simple and easy. PS: Sorry if I am doubling threads or something, just thought I'd put it out there as combat logging is very annoying. Cheers!
  2. Like the title, I updated the game I get an error message when launching that the game could not read my character files and I spawned fresh. Anyone got a clue how to avoid this / fix it or whatever so others can look out? Thanks
  3. "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" Do you think this quote can be applied to DayZ?
  4. Nice response. Thanks What about.. "You either die a villain or live long enough see yourself starve to death because you can only find rotten kiwi". I have no idea where I got it from but I guess it applies to DayZ when you're a newcomer :D