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Everything posted by Miquinei

  1. Miquinei

    Character development and passive skills

    What does my gravatar has to do with anything? Any argument against passive skills? I mean, character development is a feature that (imo) needs to be implemented so that people "care" more for their lives and don't play as if it was CoD/BF4 arcade?
  2. Hello, I think it would be awesome if there was an option to play Russian Roulette with the magnum so that you can chamber only 1 bullet, spin the cylinder and you can put it to your head or aim at somebody and fire. There should be also some kind of option to pass the weapon conveniently to another player so he can do the same with your weapon and saved progress from your try. It would be great addition to the game and enhance social encounters :D
  3. Miquinei

    DayZ & Russian Roulette (mini-game)

    I would have captured someone, handcuff him and make him play the Roulette with me :D So if I die, you're free.. and if you die, well (...) shit.
  4. Miquinei

    why good samiritans irritate me

    You will eat my beans and drink water I've given to you whether you like it or not. Furthermore, you will appreciate or respawn.
  5. Miquinei

    [OUTDATED] DayZ: The Ultimate Loot Route

    Imo this is pretty poor guide.. why would advice anybody to go Balota? It's a death trap _._
  6. Miquinei

    Inconspicuous Death

    Actually I did, I was sitting duck in the jail building and all of a sudden "You are dead!". No idea what happened, but I quickly respawned and started punching things and faces.
  7. I think it's way too early to start these kind of discussions as changes are rolling at quite fast rate. For now options 1 and 5 are pretty irrational in current state, hell even combination of the two. This is because you can *poof* (combat log) and it's over, only naive or those who look beyond the scope of the game (at the moment) exercise these but really do it solely for enjoyment of the risk itself - like myself. Option number 2 is quite attractive if you're under geared, otherwise it's just stupid to expose yourself for loot that can be easily found (at least for now). Option number 3, probably most frequently reoccurring. People are either trolling or this is their style of play and fail (or decide not to) see the big picture of social interaction that this game offers (and yet make irrational as the game is still under development and not all features are implemented). If you're going for option number 4, in my opinion you shouldn't play the game at all - waste of time. Like stated in opening sentence, in my opinion it is too early to start this kind of discussion and get to any interesting conclusions.
  8. Miquinei

    Mosin or M4?

    m4 over anything as if you get jumped you can spray and pray. With the mosin you gotta have superior positioning otherwise your chances are smaller. Personally I keep both, mosin on my back and m4 in hands. A bit of a hassle but when i need to snipe i just drop the m4 take my shots and pick it back up. If I need to catuationsmp I will drop both and put the m4 on my back and mosin in hands. I am using pistols only in super tight situations.
  9. Miquinei

    DayZ SA ~ Cannot talk or hear direct chat.

    i have shot dead around 8 people because when i ytold them to surrender they wouldnt hear me.
  10. Miquinei

    Chernarus Survivor Census - the CSC

    u re missing an option, i never play with ppl that i meet in game but i am more than happy to play with friends and other people that are present on my team speak
  11. Hey guys, I ran into an interesting encounter today during my stream and thought I'd share my experience with you. This is the second time it happened to me and I have no idea why people are doing this? And don't misunderstand me, I am no bandit (nor hero). All I wanted was to secure my position and back off. I hope you'll enjoy! PS: I know I am ugly as fuck, it's cool.
  12. Miquinei

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    Like a puzi? Nahh
  13. Miquinei

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    The first song - Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (1977) Second - System of a Down - Aerials
  14. Miquinei

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    Didn't see that one coming, thanks! :D Yep and that's what I love about the game most. The adrenaline and thrill, no game has that kind of pvp. Oh and btw it was my character panting like a bitch, not me D: You need to put your weapon down first if you've got it out and you're willing to surrender. Trying to get somebody submit with his weapon out already is not an easy task and some just won't take any chances - like myself. Hey! At least he didn't KoS you. Love the series :)
  15. Miquinei

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    About me walking around with an axe, I normally wouldn't turn corners like that but I wanted to take out that zombie (quietly) on the side so it doesnt aggro while iam looting the super markets. The guy had the same idea but made two mistakes, he pressed F1 instead of drawning his weapon right off the bat before i did and second mistake, he could have surrendered, stall and order his buddy to shoot me.
  16. Miquinei

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    I am wearing the gas mask for extra camouflage :P
  17. Miquinei

    The benefits of being a "Hero"

    Gotta say i disagree with u strongly. KoSing is notnrequired to survive, KoSing is for noobs and easy mode. I got a whole different perspective on this game.. and dont get me wrong i am not telling u to be a hero. Helping random strangers is stupid as u can never tell whether they re bandits, newbs, trolls or whatever. I put it that way, you re going to die / lose ur character one way or another, why not making social interaction ur goal? By this i mean, not kosing but holding people up, questioning them, making it on interesting and do dramatic for both parties, even if there are more ppl and they have weapons. My ultimate goal in the gamegame is not to kill bandits on sight cuz that is just way to easy. I want hunt them and surrender, disarm them and give a chance jigsaw style. This makes thegame way more challenging and i aint even mad if i die trying cuz i know it is hard to pull off. sry for typoes i am on a tablet
  18. Short background to the topic question: Fully geared, myself and 2 members of my crew got the southern airfield with hopes of finding some players. Despite the server being full we found nothing but opened doors everywhere. Because we travelled for about 1 hour from N-W airfield and met nobody along the way one of the guys got bored and decided to prank the other. He was walking behind him with his M4 out and said on TS "Dude there's someone behind you and it's NOT me". I saw them and said "Go prone man", one of my mates went prone and I saw the stalker ADS'ing. Sprayed him down and after about 2 minutes worth of good laugh we're waiting for him to get to us from the coast. Actual story and topic: Extremely bored, we're laying in the grass overviewing the airfield. All of a sudden I see movement, we can see semi-geared up player with an axe searching places. He went into military barracks and I rushed to the bushes near entrance and ordered him to come out, hide his axe and stay calm. We're friendly and just want to check him out - and that was our intention, surrender him, ask few questions, have a chat and maybe help out. I come out of the bush so he can see me and all of a sudden he's pulling out his magnum. No warning shot, friend (a sniper) and I wasted him. I checked out his body and it seemed that he had no ammo (maybe that's why he was running with his axe out). I hate killing semi-geared players because I know how frustrating it is when you finally get your first backpack and enough supplies to travel to the airfield or one of military bases and you die to bandits, so I felt really bad about killing him but was there any other way? What would you do? I am curious to hear community's response.
  19. Miquinei

    What would you do? My small encounter.

    I feel better now :)
  20. Miquinei

    Great Expectations? (All about wheels)

    This wasn't an argument, just my answer to DeatHTaX's comment.
  21. Miquinei

    Great Expectations? (All about wheels)

    I agree, having different types of bikes would be awesome or even horses :P
  22. Miquinei

    Great Expectations? (All about wheels)

    I must say I am not a fan of "trolls and lols" and bronies.
  23. Miquinei

    Great Expectations? (All about wheels)

    Personally, I don't think that vehicles would be such a great idea.. I don't see how on earth they're supposed to drive with this game's engine. No idea what Dean has up his selves but I don't think it's going to be as smooth as people seem to expect it to be. I kinda like running from place to place, it makes everything feel like an adventure. You plan your journey, go through various towns and places and scavenge for food and equipment for the travel. One thing that sucks is that there are only 39 other players on the server and it's not very likely to meet them along the way (say in the middle of the map), but this will be fixed in the future. I don't know, I agree this game needs a bit more features but with vehicles I can see people just driving along the coast running over new spawners.